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Why does #Mastodon use #PNG format to share #embeddedImages in #toots, and not #JPG #JPEG ?
The aim of embedding images in a toot is in general not so share images with a print quality, and there are other means of sharing if that's the aim -- so why not gain a factor 2 or 3 on file size both for #environmental #footprint reduction and to reduce the burden on #instance #servers ?
When someone tells me how is #Azure infrastructure, I'll refer them to #MicrosoftFlightSimulator2024 launch.
What is on this picture?
a. Current state of old routers your company wouldn't replace because of cost cutting.
b. That server with critical service and eternal uptime, not upgraded so long repositories don't exist now.
c. K8s pod stuck in "Terminating" state.
d. Effect of running code written with ChatGPT.
e. That Windows update you delayed for a year, afraid of some failure, but now it exploded more effectively.
f. Everything mentioned above.
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