The way to migrate is built into the Mastodon web app.
Go to Preferences, click on Import & Export, click Export, click Request an archive.
It will take some time, but you'll get a download link. Download to your computer. BTW, this is how you backup your Masto-life. You should do it often.
The page also includes lists of follows, mutes, block, etc. These are CSVs and they are human readable in Excel or Numbers.
Create an account on another instance ASAP.
Return to Preferences on the new instance. Click on Import & Export. Click on Import. Click Upload and specify your downloaded archive.
You can also import "Data." I think (but don't know) that this will restore lists of things like who you follow. Seems dicey to me since following is regulated... Worth a try, maybe it requests that you follow. Try it.
DO THIS NOW. Then toot to your timeline that you have a new account. Those who are interested can follow it.
I may have missed a detail, so the sooner you try this or Google it further, the better off you will be.
[Edited: Added more information regarding CSVs.]
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