est l'un des nombreux serveurs Mastodon indépendants que vous pouvez utiliser pour participer au fédiverse.
Communauté ludique (jeux vidéo, de rôle, de société, etc) destinée aux joueuses et joueurs francophones de tous horizons. French speaking people only.

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comptes actifs


13 messages6 participants1 message aujourd’hui

Je découvre qu'un logiciel tiers permet de faire des groupes sur Mastodon :

Le gros avantage des groupes est que vous voyez automatiquement tous les messages du groupe, même s'ils proviennent de comptes qui ne se sont pas encore fédérés à votre serveur.

Voir pour plus d'info sur la fonctionnalité (apparemment une fonctionnalité similaire est en développement dans mastodon)

J'ai créé le groupe du village @latourdaigues.

a.gup.peGuppe Groups
A répondu dans un fil de discussion

The way to migrate is built into the Mastodon web app.
Go to Preferences, click on Import & Export, click Export, click Request an archive.

It will take some time, but you'll get a download link. Download to your computer. BTW, this is how you backup your Masto-life. You should do it often.

The page also includes lists of follows, mutes, block, etc. These are CSVs and they are human readable in Excel or Numbers.

Create an account on another instance ASAP.

Return to Preferences on the new instance. Click on Import & Export. Click on Import. Click Upload and specify your downloaded archive.

You can also import "Data." I think (but don't know) that this will restore lists of things like who you follow. Seems dicey to me since following is regulated... Worth a try, maybe it requests that you follow. Try it.

DO THIS NOW. Then toot to your timeline that you have a new account. Those who are interested can follow it.

I may have missed a detail, so the sooner you try this or Google it further, the better off you will be.


[Edited: Added more information regarding CSVs.]

#psa #feditip #migration #migrate #instance #mastodon #mastotips #author #writer #writersOfMastodon #writingCommunity. #WritersCoffeeClub and #WordWeavers.

Tips voor beginnende Mastodonners.

Zie plaatje.

Meer tips:

Of kijk bij/volg het account:

Voor ervaren Mastodonners:
Strooi het plaatje vrijelijk rond als je wil - copy en paste, of een link naar deze post - bij een ieder waarvan je denkt dat die wat hulp kan gebruiken.



Yesterday I achieved a successful instance migration by following the #feditip at

One little thing isn't mentioned on that page: filters. If you want to keep your filters then you have to note them down on the source instance and then manually add them to the new instance. Do this BEFORE you create an account alias on the old instance, because creating the alias stops you from accessing most of your settings.

fedi.tipsTransferring your Mastodon account to another server | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Plus via Fedi.Tips


Il existe peut-être quelques comptes dont vous ne voulez pas manquer les pouets avant qu'ils ne disparaissent en glissant dans un fil de mastodon.
Le meilleur moyen c'est de cliquer sur l'icône de petite cloche 🔔 qui se trouve sur leur profil. Ainsi vous verrez automatiquement leurs messages dans votre colonne de notifications perso dès que ces personnes publieront un nouveau pouet. (bien sûr cliquer une nouvelle fois sur la petite cloche annule cette sorte d'abonnement privilégié).

#PSA #Writers need to #backup, even their Masto-life†. This is called an #archive. They also need to be able to read the backup archive file WITHOUT migrating to another instance.

Thanks to @s427 (, I can recommend an easy computer-agnostic web app to accomplish this: MARL (Mastodon Archive Reader Lite).

It couldn't be easier to use. On the project page (see below) under the heading Usage, you can click the link next to Accees MARL online here: When it runs, you can drag a zip of an archive you've requested from your instance. You don't need to be tech-savvy. It ought work on your phone with the file picker if it allows you to download archives, but it doesn't on my iPhone 16. It works on my Mac, however.

Here's the project page:

Instead, I downloaded the project. On my Mac, I made an alias of the index.html file found in the downloaded unzipped folder. In Get Info, I double-clicked the icon and used Edit>Paste to paste in a pretty icon I made in Preview. Last, I dragged the alias to the righthand side of the dock where it resides now.

Probably easier just to bookmark the link on the project page, but here it is. And here it is running with my archive. (See attached photos.)

BTW: I found I needed to drag and drop the archive file rather than use the file picker for this to work on the Mac. Also, since Safari can be a helpful Hanna when downloading your archive by unzipping it, you may need to zip (i.e., compress) the resulting folder back into a zip to use MARL on it.

† To backup to an archive, click ⛭ Preferences, click Import and Export, click Export, and then click Request an Archive. Download it when the download link appears. Note, the text of the labels in the web app may vary between instances.



a constant annoyance on #mastodon (or any #socialmedia, this is not unique to the #fediverse) is being tagged in a long running thread you no longer want to be a part of

many times i see people asking to remove their tag from further mentions

(threads i am a part of and not a part of, this isn't about people not wanting to deal with me, i hope 😅😅😅)

it's fine to ask

but there is an easier solution:

just remove yourself

click the '...' on any post in your notifications and:


@pkreissel made an algorithm for mastodon to free us from the tyranny of reverse chronological order and it's totally awesome.

IMHO a customizable algorithm is the only thing mastodon needs to really take things to the next level.

* fedialgo:
* simple node app to bootstrap local fedialgo package usage:

GitHubGitHub - pkreissel/fedialgo: Alpha of FedialgoAlpha of Fedialgo. Contribute to pkreissel/fedialgo development by creating an account on GitHub.

Hi new #Twitter people. I haven't seen this tip come up in a while so I'm gonna share it here. Long links don't count to your character limit. This means you don't need link shorteners. In fact, many here, including me, won't click on shortened links with link shorteners because I wanna know where the link goes. Plus, you don't need to know I clicked it. You really don't. If I like your link enough, I will tell you. That's better than a number! #FediTips #FediTip

⚠️ PSA for aspiring new instance members ⚠️

We *want* to accept you, but ya gotta write a few lines about yourself so we can make an informed decision.

Especially in the current climate, we need to keep our instance a safe place for our members.

"Your instance looked neat", "am gay", "hi", and the like aren't enough of an Introduction.

Give us a few minutes of thought and we'll give you an amazing community and a warm welcome.

I love seeing Fedi get bigger 💞 it means more people for me to #Welcome and make friends with.

But I feel like I'm seeing a lot less alt-text, and fewer content warnings on things that should have them 😢

Let's all build a culture of inclusion and accessibility as we grow together. It only takes a moment to make a difference.

Plus, if you like seeing "number go up", I know a lot of people, like me, who only boost posts with appropriate alt-text and CWs (same goes for follows) 💁🏼‍♀️