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I love this beautiful tome of #calligraphy from the 1500s, the Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta ("Wonderful Monuments of Calligraphy"). A compendium of writing styles later illuminated with #fruit and #insect drawings.

The scans are super high res but... wonky, so I decided to clean them up and post them suitable for prints. Because the public domain scans are so high res, you can get huge prints. Also mugs, stationary, stickers, puzzles, etc.

'unfortunate taste
(unfortunate[repeat]) smell

written poorly in surfneblin, 'surface-neblin,'
a variation of svirfneblin, based on meklevelvin, a gnomish script.
Surfneblin is useable as a geblin relex, considerably extended with [hundreds of?] conjunct characters.

This gnomish system of writing to be described in
gebllin and scripts of the fey wilds, unfinished release.

Ink and distilled water on a brush.

#surfneblin #gnomish #ttrpg #geblin #scriptsofthefeywilds #fey #feywild #feywilds #gnome #d&d #conlang #sloppy #calligraphy #svirfneblin #meklevelvin