Old #cat and playful mice. psalter, Canterbury ca. 1210-1220. Bodleian Library, MS. Ashmole 1525, fol. 40r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Old #cat and playful mice. psalter, Canterbury ca. 1210-1220. Bodleian Library, MS. Ashmole 1525, fol. 40r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
A Medieval King’s Speech on the Dangers of Drunkenness https://www.medievalists.net/2024/12/medieval-king-speech-drunkenness/ #Medieval
#History #medieval #manuscripts #WomenHistoryMonth
When we think of writing in the medieval period we always think of monks scribing. However, a study has found that over 110,000 manuscripts were written by women. The female scribes were identified through their Colophons. These reference themselves by name or by the title of nun or scriptrix, meaning female writer.
Over 110,000 Medieval Manuscripts May Have Been Copied by Women https://www.medievalists.net/2025/03/110000-medieval-manuscripts-women/ #medieval #medievalmanuscripts #medievalwomen
White-toothed #fox. book of hours, Savoie 15th century. Clermont-Ferrand, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 84, fol. 37v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Back to #BooksOfHours, another miniature from the Houghton was added today, 2020HEM-79. Possibly from Sienna, later 15th C. It is a lovely MS, but rebound (17th C) and either then or later many leaves were removed. Some offices start in the middle, and folios have ink transfer from non-existent miniatures.
#bookhistory #Medieval #Medievodons @bookhistodons @medievodons
A tantalising glimpse of #medieval #manuscript fragments, seen through a gap in the bottom of a book spine! #SpringSchool25
Learn more about Hawkwood and #medieval mercenary companies
Hunting dogs. Gaston Phoebus, Livre de la Chasse, Brittany ca. 1430-1440. LA, Getty, Ms. 27, fol. 30r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Bibliotecas digitales
Digital libraries links from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid about ancient books, history and medieval resources.
Might be useful.
In the court of Pluto and Proserpina. Évrart de Conty, Les Échecs amoureux, France 1496-1498. BnF, Français 143, fol. 136v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Inside Eleanor de Montfort’s Lavish Medieval Wardrobe https://www.medievalists.net/2025/03/inside-eleanor-de-montforts-lavish-medieval-wardrobe/ #medieval #fashion #medievalclothing
Quick snack (Saturn devouring his offspring). occaccio, Des Cas des nobles hommes et femmes (French translation of ‘De Casibus’), Lyon c. 1435-1440. BnF, Français 229, fol. 7v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
a reasonable 58 #Manuscripts from #Vatican this week https://www.wiglaf.org/vatican/2025/week10.html
Still more 17th C Barberini vols, a herbarium, several 15th C classical volumes, a 12th C Ovid, large format liturgical music, more Ethiopic and _more_
#Medieval #Medievodons @bookhistodons @medievodons
(apologies about the resolution, upload issues)
Initial ‘P’. Bible, Champagne ca. 1170-1180. BnF, Latin 16746, fol. 112v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
#throwback to some 2 year-old anthro character doodles I still find really cool, but I never used for anything. I should.
Which one is your favourite?
@litteracarolina if that's an uncatalogued #medieval #manuscript , shouldn't you be wearing gloves and be in a controlled environment? Or the idea is to scan it and throw the original document away as rubbish... next photo will be the document covered in pasta sauce....