#geblin #sylvin #surfneblin
5. (First springs now drills...) write each letter 5 times?
#geblin #sylvin #surfneblin
5. (First springs now drills...) write each letter 5 times?
Here is the same written more cleanly
perhaps 3cm in width.
'unfortunate taste,
[echo] smell-
in surfneblin, a gnomish script variant,
as above image.
'unfortunate taste
(unfortunate[repeat]) smell
written poorly in surfneblin, 'surface-neblin,'
a variation of svirfneblin, based on meklevelvin, a gnomish script.
Surfneblin is useable as a geblin relex, considerably extended with [hundreds of?] conjunct characters.
This gnomish system of writing to be described in
gebllin and scripts of the fey wilds, unfinished release.
Ink and distilled water on a brush.
#surfneblin #gnomish #ttrpg #geblin #scriptsofthefeywilds #fey #feywild #feywilds #gnome #d&d #conlang #sloppy #calligraphy #svirfneblin #meklevelvin