est l'un des nombreux serveurs Mastodon indépendants que vous pouvez utiliser pour participer au fédiverse.
Communauté ludique (jeux vidéo, de rôle, de société, etc) destinée aux joueuses et joueurs francophones de tous horizons. French speaking people only.

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Message for #Pixelfed admins

Do any of you encounter the following? Every 6 hours and consistently, my pixelfed server goes into a high memory usage, process is php-fpm triggered by pixelfed, before being killed by oom. Clearly a bot, never happened before.

Now I changed server with a full fresh install and new IP but it still goes on (even changed OS from 22.04 to 24.04, bumped RAM from 16 to 32 GB and php8.3 version to 8.4).

Do you administrators see similar behavior? See attached Grafana/Prometheus dashboard for illustration on a 24-hours period.

Any clue on how to mitigate such DoS attacks?


À votre avis, quelle instance sur Mastodon est à choisir pour accueillir une association qui se consacre à la promotion et la défense de la Nature, l'Environnement, la Culture, les Terroirs, les Arts et la Ruralité?
#mastodon #instance #admin cliquez sur Actualités ... cliquez sur Agenda 2022   Pour connaître l'accès au jardin de la Pichée à Manonville ... cliquez sur Se rendre au jardin

During the last 12 months or so I've been integrating an amazon-like marketplace into our IT systems at work.

After finalizing the product and inventory imports, it feels like a breeze when it drippels down to few lines and it just works 😎

The snippet shows the unfinished version of the handle() method for the 'sync:marketplace:inventory' command of our internal CLI.

PS: Why Laravel w/o Facades?softwareengineering.stackexcha


Ich wollte einfach mal ein "Danke" loswerden.

Danke an all die Admins, die ihre Instanzen kostenfrei für andere User ins Netz stellen.

Dass ihr bei Problemen immer helft, euch darum kümmert.

Wer sich in Sachen IT usw. nicht auskennt, weiß vermutlich gar nicht, wie viel Zeit man teilweise in Sachen Wartung und Instandhaltung, aber auch Support investiert, um seine Instanz auf Vordermann zu halten und allen Usern gerecht zu werden.

Das ist nicht selbstverständlich.😉👍

#Danke, #Fediverse, #Admin, #Instanz

Petit point sur la situation de :
- Un admin en surmenage a bloqué l'accès à la machine de l'instance sur le cloud Oracle.
- Deux autres admins ont trouvé des moyens de récupérer une copie de l'instance complète et une copie des médias (ces derniers stockées séparément sur un bucket S3)
- Ils ont relancé l'instance copiée sur l'infra de @netfreaks
MAIS 1/2

Serveur Mastodon hébergé sur lou.ltLoultodonInstance francophone toujours là depuis 2017 et qui n'a pas prévu de s'arrêter ! Ici on pouette un peu de tout mais toujours dans le respect de la loi et des autres.

Of public interest:

At least 15,000 people fully, without limits, irrevocably, licensed their personal information, public image, name and all data that reached infrastructure... to 's platform.

Had they known they're entirely losing control of everything, would they be using the platform?

Explanation in the renote, and here:

Is this what we, as a
#society, want?

#mastodon #admin #dataprivacy #datasecurity #fediverse #federation #ActivityPub #privacy #security #copyright #consent #instagram #tiktok #pixelfed #loopsvideo


How about no?

You're way overstepping with this, poisoning the entire ActivityPub ecosystem.

Let me break this down for you...

In short: if you really intend to federate, respect your users and their data.

Implementing federation while keeping these terms is a severe breach of trust, and would poison the entirety of the network in an way which will cripple ActivityPub, and undermine the very foundation of what AP stands for with regard to privacy, data ownership, and control over what we post to the network.

Hopefully that's not your intention. Is it?

#mastodon #admin #dataprivacy #datasecurity #fediverse #federation #ActivityPub #privacy #security #copyright #consent #instagram #tiktok #pixelfed #loopsvideo

RE: - phil@bajsicki:~$Been a while. I’ve mostly been posting on the Fedi, but I feel like this is a rather important topic that requires attention. Recently @dansup has been posting a bunch about, a federated alternative to Instagram/ TikTok. While I agree that an open, free and federated alternative to these platforms is necessary, I am consistently finding myself questioning the intentions encoded in their Terms of Service. Before going further, I’ll clarify: is not currently federating, but federation is planned using the ActivityPub protocol. If it does happen, and the ToS isn’t properly adjusted, it will cause problems.