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136 messages110 participants2 messages aujourd’hui
A répondu dans un fil de discussion

"A judge's #security is dependent in many ways on the Marshals Service who the president appoints to protect the judges, & if a president doesn't like a decision that's coming from a judge, *theoretically* they could pull their security," Rep. Eric Swalwell (S-CA) said at a congressional hearing this month.

#Trump has already yanked protection this year from fmr military & #NationalSecurity ofcls who disagreed w/Trump.

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

Judge Richard Sullivan, of the US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, said in his lifetime 4 federal judges have been killed in retaliation for their work on the bench.

"This is not hypothetical," Sullivan, who leads a Judicial Conference panel on #security issues, told reporters in a news conference this week. The Judicial Conference is a body of federal judges that frames policies for courts. "It's real. It's happened before. We have to be certain that it doesn't happen again.”

"Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government"

The UK’s encryption-breaking order for a backdoor into iCloud isn’t a one-off.

The secret hearing happening RIGHT NOW is bigger than just Apple. If the government wins, our right to privacy and security falls.

Other services will be hit.

Sign our petition ➡️

therecord.mediaGoogle refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK governmentU.S. lawmakers say Google has refused to deny that it received a Technical Capability Notice from the U.K. — a mechanism to access encrypted messages that Apple reportedly received.

This week we’re tackling some common misconceptions with privacy, security, and anonymity!

Often privacy and anonymity are used interchangeably. However, there are distinct differences between the two. In our latest video, we aim to explain and discuss the differences, so you can make better decisions on your privacy and security journey.

Suite du fil

The message is clear across the political divide: let's hear it!

The UK government should argue in open court why they want to make us less secure by ordering a backdoor into Apple encryption.

A secret Tribunal would be an affront to the privacy and security issues at stake. It must be held in public.

Read the joint letter from ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship ⬇️

Open Rights GroupMake the Investigatory Powers Tribunal on Apple Encryption a Public HearingRights groups call for Apple’s closed appeal against the Home Office’s encryption-breaching order to be opened to the public.
Suite du fil

Bipartisan US Congress Members want the secrecy around the UK's encryption-breaking order to be lifted.

"It is imperative that the UK's technical demands of Apple - and of any other US companies - be subjected to robust, public analysis and debate."

“Secret court hearings featuring intelligence agencies and a handful of individuals approved by them do not enable robust challenges on highly technical matters.”

Suite du fil

UK MPs have joined the chorus of voices wanting the Apple case to be held in public.

"If the Home Office wants to have effectively unfettered access to the private data of the (innocent) general public, they should explain their case in front of the public."

🗣️ David Davis MP.

"People deserve to know what's happening to their private personal information."

🗣️ Victoria Collins MP.

Sky · Apple vs Home Office encryption court battle must be held in public, say MPsPar Tim Baker

📣 Make it public!

The call is getting louder for a public hearing of the appeal over the UK's order to break Apple encryption.

Alongside the joint letter from ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship, UK MPs, US Congress Members and the BBC want the secrecy to end.

The Royal Courts of Justice in London which houses the High Court
BBC NewsPressure grows to hold secret Apple privacy hearing in publicCivil liberties campaigners have joined US politicians and the BBC in saying Friday's hearing should not be secret.