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There is something a bit weird going on. Been sorting through my photos from the last week & LOADS of clouds are forming with open mouths. This is not normal. You'd get one every now and then but honestly, they're EVERYWHERE.

I, of course, welcome our new Chompy Cloud Overlords but still... it's a bit odd. There is, I suppose, a slight chance that I have just spent too long looking at clouds.

It's a mystery 🧐

I looked up funny British placenames (most of them are in England). There are some crackers.


Bell End
Butthole Lane
Fanny Hands Lane
Fan Y Bîg
Great Bottom Flash
Great Cockup
Lickey End
Piddle Valley
Pratts Bottom
Rotten Bottom
Scratch Arse Ware
Sheepy Magna
Slag Lane
Tickle Cock Bridge
Titty Ho

BTW every one of these are real placenames.

🔴 #A7Radio > #Sport > #Rugby 07 - 33 ✅

📌 Le match #WALvENG sous forte tensions avec quelques prises de maillots. 🔥
Un début de rencontre dominée par les Anglais, le Pays de Galles encaisse et voit sa défense s'effondrer.

➡️ Mi-temps on se connecte pour la roue des surprises en #Musique ! ⭐ 🎵 🎁

buff.lyA7 Radio - 100% MixLa stream @7 Radio 100% Mix est un flux musical qui diffuse les créations audios @7 Production