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I looked up funny British placenames (most of them are in England). There are some crackers.


Bell End
Butthole Lane
Fanny Hands Lane
Fan Y Bîg
Great Bottom Flash
Great Cockup
Lickey End
Piddle Valley
Pratts Bottom
Rotten Bottom
Scratch Arse Ware
Sheepy Magna
Slag Lane
Tickle Cock Bridge
Titty Ho

BTW every one of these are real placenames.

I’m doing a panel with another author next week at a book festival, putting our two books side by side along the common thread of “borders” (my comic, his travel journal). I’ve had such fun drawing 6 panels trying to build thematic & visual bridges. Thinking through comics is so productive for opening up dialogues. (Ha! I hope this actually works in practice on a stage, however…)
#comics #visualMethods #comicsstudies #geography

“Along the Line: Writing with comics and graphic narrative in geography”.

NEW BOOK out soon with EPFL Press, the result of my long & slow border walk, archival work, and painstaking drawing. Will be available open access & direct from the publisher. Distributed internationally from September via Chicago University Press.

(My comic “Bornées”, published in French, was first written in English)

Happy birthday to Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) renown Flemish cartographer.

What made Mercator a great #cartographer, was in fact his abilities as a #mathematician -and like those of us scientists who feel compelled also to create art he was wasn’t hindered by his immense ability as an engraver. He produced beautiful world maps (a version of which is depicted in this print), globes, 🧵1/n