I appear to be locked into an Accidental Grimdark with this one.
I appear to be locked into an Accidental Grimdark with this one.
The amazing looking Chaos Spawn Khornedog kindly sent to me by Wargame Exclusive painted up using the new John Blanche paint set by The Army Painter. There is so much detail on this model, and it was an absolute joy to paint.
Random midweek experiments: I wondered if I'd be able to get a smooth blend from quite dark to quite bright going brown-to-ivories, without resorting to an airbrush. I think the answer is definitely 'no', at least with this approach. It gives its own effect though, the scratchiness of it could probably be read as weathering? I'll have to give stippling a try.
Tomorrow I need to ride my bicycle, then I can see about laying down some more ground paste here where holes open up, if necessary, adding basing details, and adding the SLDF logos. Then it'll be matte finish all over and gloss finish with a brush for spots I want shiny.
Another addition to the painted ranks of the #StirRiverPatrol. A regiment of crossbows.
That’s 27/43 minis painted and that’s 328/500pts - past the halfway mark. Really happy with how this is all coming along. Block of 15 Spears is a bit daunting but I think leaving it to last will be its own motivation.
First two teams I painted 7 years ago when I was first getting back into painting. I’d like to paint those orcs again now that I know how to paint pink properly haha. Back when GW included community pictures on their store pages that human thrower was actually on the shop page for the starter set at one point. #paintingminiatures #bloodbowl
My Amazons have never seen a single game… #paintingminiatures #bloodbowl
Always quite liked how my Lizardmen team came out. #paintingminiatures #bloodbowl
I have a mini I need to dip. Is 99% isopropyl alcohol too harsh? It's a plastic mini and I used plastic glue to assemble it.
On to getting greens down on the Crossbows. A nice simple way to clock in some needed hobbying.
#HobbyStreak day 1213
School #WarhammerAlliance - lots of running around while getting a bunch of really passive bastards off their phones and onto making #Frostgrave warbands.
Taught them how to do a #zenithal primer and follow that with #Vallejo #ExpressPaints for quick results, and how to apply basing sand.
In the meantime I painted the basis of a dwarven airship for #ageofsigmar
WIP Dickichtjäger von Summoners. Erster Versuch des Farbschema.
Detail of the face #wip of a #BloodBowl Troll from Brutefun's Snotling Team. Work made for a friend before I tackle my own troll army. #PaintingMiniatures #OnTheBall @warhammercommunity
Slowly getting closer to complete.
Hab heute endlich mit meinen neuen Summoners Modellen angefangen :D
Hauptsächlich die ganze Truppe grundiert und die Grundfarbe für das Holz ausprobiert.
Der kleine Minidrache gehört nicht zu Summoners, aber den nutz ich gerade um das Farbschema für den Schimmerdrachen zu testen :D
And the squad leader is done! Someone is overcompensating…
Trying a new #speedpaint approach. Black primer, base, wash, finer & finer dry brush, then #contrastpaint
True metal #slapchop?
Dexter: leadbelcher > nuln > runefang steel
Media: canoptek alloy > nuln > runefang
Sinister: bronze > agrax > retributor > runefang
What do you think? One stand out? All ? None?
#hobby #fedipaint #warhammer #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingminiatures #tabletopgaming #miniatures #miniature
#minipainting #photography @nerdlings #nerdlings
Made some good progress on these Monsta-Killaz today. The big fella has soooo many details.
Slowly stumbling towards something, I think. If you squint a bit.
https://youtu.be/tkkJ0R8kxVY?si=bDgg3xyUClyMki7u New video is on YouTube. This week I show how to paint a Raven Guard Space Marine, ideal for learning how to paint great looking black armour on your models.
#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40K #Warhammer40000 #GamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #BoardGames #YouTube #Nerdlings @warhammercommunity