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Random midweek experiments: I wondered if I'd be able to get a smooth blend from quite dark to quite bright going brown-to-ivories, without resorting to an airbrush. I think the answer is definitely 'no', at least with this approach. It gives its own effect though, the scratchiness of it could probably be read as weathering? I'll have to give stippling a try.

Suite du fil

First two teams I painted 7 years ago when I was first getting back into painting. I’d like to paint those orcs again now that I know how to paint pink properly haha. Back when GW included community pictures on their store pages that human thrower was actually on the shop page for the starter set at one point. #paintingminiatures #bloodbowl

Trying a new #speedpaint approach. Black primer, base, wash, finer & finer dry brush, then #contrastpaint

True metal #slapchop?

Dexter: leadbelcher > nuln > runefang steel
Media: canoptek alloy > nuln > runefang
Sinister: bronze > agrax > retributor > runefang

What do you think? One stand out? All ? None?

#hobby #fedipaint #warhammer   #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammercommunity #paintingminiatures #tabletopgaming  #miniatures #miniature
#minipainting #photography @nerdlings #nerdlings