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Prepping some Emberstone tokens for an upcoming Ravaged Coast campaign. I originally planned for 9 but ended up with enough crystal chunks for 15. I'll probably need to make more later, but this is a good start point. Going to drybrush the crystals a dark red, with a little black on the very tops, after that: all over wash to tint the texture paste and tie the crystals together.


A rescued Boneripper being used as a Hell Pit Abomination proxy for The Old World.

Really wanted to push my colour vibrancy for this one, basing the cloth with a way brighter colour than I normally use.

The model was missing two arm connections, so I sculpted one, and used a handful of 5e skaven clanrats spears I had lying around for the other.

Sculpting job is ok at best, but it works… I think.

Found this guy at the flea market a couple of years ago and wanted to practice sculpting some more. The tabard didn't come out that great but I think I can save it with paint. The head is from the old multipart kit. Those are some of the best gobbo heads IMO, though they are a bit oversized. The blade is from the current night goblin kit, but I reshaped it with sprue goo and sanding.

#squarebased #nightgoblin #orcsandgoblins #greenskins #gloomspitegitz #mordheim #warhammer #warhammerfantasy #theoldworld #warhammertheoldworld #ageofsigmar #paintingwarhammer #miniaturepainting

Through Fire and Water - part 2
a #PathToGlory #RavagedCoast campaign

#TheRotmoons, in the Scorched Outskirts. 15th day of Graives. 

Found the encampment of a Maggotkin warband, who were also searching for Emberstone. As always, the pirates intended to ransack it and take the Emberstone for themselves.



#Ironjawz #OrrukPirates #AgeOfSigmar #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam

Completely skipped posting the priming step and I've jumped into painting. I'm kind of skipping around on this model instead of doing all base colors, all layers, etc.. Instead, I got the fur to where I liked it because I knew there would be a lot of drybrushing involved and now I've moved on to base colors for the rest. I'm stopping here for the night, but I'm happy with the progress.
