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Found this guy at the flea market a couple of years ago and wanted to practice sculpting some more. The tabard didn't come out that great but I think I can save it with paint. The head is from the old multipart kit. Those are some of the best gobbo heads IMO, though they are a bit oversized. The blade is from the current night goblin kit, but I reshaped it with sprue goo and sanding.

#squarebased #nightgoblin #orcsandgoblins #greenskins #gloomspitegitz #mordheim #warhammer #warhammerfantasy #theoldworld #warhammertheoldworld #ageofsigmar #paintingwarhammer #miniaturepainting

I'm sorry, but it's the law that the only correct miniatures and paint schemes are the old 4th/5th edition ones.

Classic Skarsnik is clearly better. As is the Doom Diver. And the Squig Hoppers. And the trolls. And the box art. And Grom!

The occasional 5th/6th edition item gets an honourable mention (like the chariot and the acceptable alternative Doom Diver)

Warhammer CommunityWarhammer retrospective – The many ages of the Gloomspite Gitz - Warhammer CommunityGoblins have been part of Warhammer for a long time…