#squarebased #nightgoblin #orcsandgoblins #greenskins #gloomspitegitz #mordheim #warhammer #warhammerfantasy #theoldworld #warhammertheoldworld #ageofsigmar #paintingwarhammer #miniaturepainting
Found this guy at the flea market a couple of years ago and wanted to practice sculpting some more. The head is from the old multipart kit. Those are some of the best gobbo heads IMO, though they are a bit oversized. The blade is from the current night goblin kit, but I reshaped it with sprue goo and sanding.
Games Workshop releases more wolf-riding goblins. Your wallet cries, your paint pile grows, and your gaming table is awash with a green tide of cackling mayhem as your savings plan goes out the window. https://l.d20.ninja/mrjhsnch #GloomspiteGitz #GamesWorkshop #Warhammer #TabletopGames #Wargaming
The new Gitmob kits for Age of Sigmar are extensively customizable. It appears that most everything between the Snarlfang Cavalry and the Sunsteela Wheelas are interchangable to some degree. Good for kitbashing, bad for option-paralysis.
Either way, this Gitmob is ready for walkies!
Finished painting Skeagrott The Loonking, ready to lead my Gloomspite Gitz
It's my warboss again! There were a few details I rushed for the competition so I went back in and fixed them.
Meet my crew for Infernal Brush's Critter Challenge 2024! The entries I've seen so far are fantastic! Good luck everyone!
Had a great 2024! Happy painting in 2025 everybody!
Mordheim 25th Anniversary!
This is my entry for the painting competition. Based on squares for The Old World.
In Warhammer World so had to get a little treat, in this case, a Rabble-Rowza for my Gloomspite Gitz, should be a fun little painting project for them!
Finished this Dankhold Troggoth for the Gloomspite Gitz this morning, very happy with how it’s turned out!
For day 295 of the #HobbyStreak I continued work on the Dankhold Troggoth, hoping to finishing him off tomorrow
Started work on this Dankhold Troggoth for my Gloomspite gitz for day 294 of the #HobbyStreak
Ce soir à 21h, préparez-vous pour un live intense sur Antre Jeux Studio !
Un rapport de bataille AoS opposant les Nighthaunt de Maderion aux Gloomspite Gitz de Ioasis. La Mort contre la Destruction, qui triomphera ? Rejoignez-nous ici : https://www.twitch.tv/antrejeuxstudio?lang=fr
#Warhammer #AgeOfSigmar #Nighthaunt #GloomspiteGitz #Live #Twitch #AntreJeuxStudio #RapportDeBataille
Finished up two sets of Squig Herds and their Herders for the Gloomspite Gitz!
I do love painting some squigs!!!
Finished up these Rockgut Troggoths tonight, and rather happy with how they turned out
And this gets me the Spearhead for the Gloomspite Gitz done