#LightNovel #LightNovels #MastoLivre #MastoLivres #Fantasy #ScienceFiction #ScienceFantasy
Ok, big news! Honorbound, our game of swashbuckling sci-fi inspired by the Three Musketeers, Firefly, Star Wars, and more IS LIVE! #Zinequest and #zinemonth are here! #rpg #ttrpg #crowdfunding #SciFi #sciencefantasy
- The Time Distiller; a philosopher and master brewer, crafting infusions that dissolve the boundaries of future and past.
- The Circuit Antiquarian; a walking museum of forgotten technologies.
2004, and my first major worldbuilding project after Warhammer's Old World.
#D20 #dnd #worldbuilding #ttrpg #drivethurrpg #sourcebook #roleplayinggames #FantasyGame #scifi #sciencefantasy #dnd3
Ever wonder what it is like to design enemies for a #metroidvania ? Specially when it's #sciencefantasy ?
Well check this out:
J'ai traduit en français la fiche de #CloudEmpress, un #JDR de #ScienceFantasy où il est question de nature sauvage post-apocalyptique avec des cigales géantes, librement inspiré de #Nausicaa. Les règles sont basées sur celles de #Mothership.
Bon jeu !
#TTRPG friends, what's your favourite science-fantasy setting? I'm trying to expand my map of the continent around the Ultraviolet Grasslands.
So far, I've managed to place Vaarn, Orn from Electrum Archive, the Land of Cicadas from Cloud Empress, as well as some more classical fantasy or sci-fi settings like Yoon Suin or Karth.
Can't use Wir-Heal from Silent Titans, I already ran it as a campaign for those players.
Is there a sci-fan setting you love?