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Alright nice, the leaves are registered properly. Just need to do some cleanup and details and this one'll be ready to do an edition in oils with more considered colors and tidier printing. Probably start on that some time next week if I can find the time.

This'll be my 4th series of guerilla print drops. Excited to get them out there into the world and onto people's walls.

I have a question about #linocut , but online resources only confuse me. Do you have to clean the lino after you printed? I use oil-based paint (on the label it also said that it's used for typography). Is it okay to use solutions like acetone and stuff? I'm kind of scared to ruin the material, so any advice would be appreciated.

Lundi matin, retour au turbin !
Aujourd'hui, à la cantine, tampons gravés main et monté sur un manche.

Je me tâte de plus en plus à faire apparaître des matrices à la vente sur mes stands.

Après tout, j'ai plus de place chez moi et le monde entier se doit d'être tamponné !!!

#linocut #medieval #medievalart #stamp #traditional #lino #ink #black #sketch #reductionlinocut #blackandwhite #basrelief #inktober #color #grabado