Les cris émis par différents individus sont-ils valorisés de la même façon pour dessiner une image du paysage ?
Ce paysage participatif a-t-il une couleur ?
Gravure sur lino, 45 x 30 cm
#lino #linocut #linoprint
Les cris émis par différents individus sont-ils valorisés de la même façon pour dessiner une image du paysage ?
Ce paysage participatif a-t-il une couleur ?
Gravure sur lino, 45 x 30 cm
#lino #linocut #linoprint
Que se passe-t-il à la croisée de 2 sons ?
Existe-t-il des moirées sonores ?
Gravure sur lino, 45 x 30 cm
#lino #linocut #linoprint
Petits tas d'encre
(Oui ce matin c'est impression de linogravures)
Realized I never shared the finished versions of these sorta experimental mashup linocuts I did a week or so back. I think they turned out pretty fun.
And hey, if they never end up selling I'll prob cut em down and laminate them into bookmarks or something.
Finally managed to get a little time last night to finish off this round of linocut bluejays.
Got a tidy edition of 40 out of this one and this yellow colorway will be exclusively for my next round of guerilla print drops.
Excited to hide them around the city once they're finished drying!
How cute are these linocut pocket journals?! I just did a limited run of 9 this time but I think I'll be making more in the future if people like them at the art market...
Little work in progress experimental thinking I'm trying out in linocut. Hopefully it turns out neat.
Yes, these will do nicely.
New 3 color linocut print I just finished last night. Hopefully people like these at the art market next weekend. Also will be running a variant color for guerilla art drops in the future...
Real pleased with this blue mix I came up with and also real glad I picked raw umber instead of black for the linework. Everything's really gelling well.
Will look real nice when I add some colorful leaves I think.
Did a run of 60 of these tonight. Quite a marathon and still 2 more color passes to go before they're done...
Alright nice, the leaves are registered properly. Just need to do some cleanup and details and this one'll be ready to do an edition in oils with more considered colors and tidier printing. Probably start on that some time next week if I can find the time.
This'll be my 4th series of guerilla print drops. Excited to get them out there into the world and onto people's walls.
Pretty happy with this linocut is coming along. 2 more colors to go.
More linocuts rolling off the line today in prep for my first ever art market later this month!
I have a question about #linocut , but online resources only confuse me. Do you have to clean the lino after you printed? I use oil-based paint (on the label it also said that it's used for typography). Is it okay to use solutions like acetone and stuff? I'm kind of scared to ruin the material, so any advice would be appreciated.
En plein nettoyage pour l'accueil de la tempête du FIBD 52.
Le partage d'hier m'a poussé à commencer un inventaire par type des tampons que j'ai pu graver lors de ces dernières années.
Non ! Je ne procrastine pas mon ménage, c'est faux !
#linocut #medieval #medievalart #stamp #traditional #lino #ink #black #gouache #reductionlinocut #illustration #basrelief #grabado #knight #linoprint
Aujourd'hui, un petit fourre-tout gravé.
Vous allez y trouver des minis tampons, 2 tirages musicalo-médiévistes et un tampon coloré à l'encre.
Bonne journée !
#linocut #medieval #medievalart #stamp #traditional #lino #ink #black #gouache #reductionlinocut #illustration #basrelief #grabado #knight #linoprint
EXPANSIONNISME est une double page A3 en duo d'encres grattées sur rhénalon sur l'exploitation d'une exoplanète marine.
J'avais réalisé ces pages pour un concours cet été, mais bon, elle finiront sûrement dans un fanzine !
#linocut #fish #fishart #stamp #lino #ink #sketch #blockprint #gouache #illustration #dive #grabado #ocean #paper #posca
Lundi matin, retour au turbin !
Aujourd'hui, à la cantine, tampons gravés main et monté sur un manche.
Je me tâte de plus en plus à faire apparaître des matrices à la vente sur mes stands.
Après tout, j'ai plus de place chez moi et le monde entier se doit d'être tamponné !!!
#linocut #medieval #medievalart #stamp #traditional #lino #ink #black #sketch #reductionlinocut #blackandwhite #basrelief #inktober #color #grabado
En ce dimanche matin brumeux, je vous partage un petit florilège de médiévalités gravé sur linoléum et gomme à tampon.
Beau dimanche à toutes et tous !
#linocut #medieval #medievalart #stamp #traditional #lino #blockprint #reductionlinocut #basrelief #grabado #medievale #linoprint #xilografia #linogravure #medievaltimes #linoprinting
Yes I’m aware this was too heavily inked #linocut #lino #print #printmaking