My first attempt of Linocutting!
A little wonky but overall quite solid :)
Aujourd’hui c’était tirage !
Description de la vidéo: ma main en train de décoller une estampe en noir et blanc de sa matrice
Conversation avec un petit poisson.
26 x 21,7 cm.
Conversation with a little fish.
26 x 21.7 cm.
Happy birthday to botanist & photography trailblazer Anna Atkins (1799-1871), née Children!
Atkins’ mother died when she was still an infant, but she was close with her naturalist father & received a much more scientific education than was common for women in her time. Her 250 detailed engravings of shells were used to illustrate her father’s translation of Lamarck’s ‘Genera of Shells’; 1/n
My panda family for #WorldPandaDay. The good news is that their status has improved from endangered to vulnerable but they do remain at risk. There are an estimated 1,800 in the wild.
Vous ne savez pas d’où viennent vos allergies au printemps? Ne cherchez plus, c’est de la faute des chatons dans les pivoines!
Ça m’a pris un petit paquet d’heures pour graver cette plaque au format A3. L’encre n’accroche pas super bien la plaque mais je vais tenter de la dégraisser lors de mes prochains tirages. Je vis aussi essayer de rajouter une couche colorée pour les pivoines et les feuilles, j’espère que ça sera cool quand ça sera terminé!
#catsofmastodon #diy #catsoffediverse #linocut
A new main instance means a new #introduction:
I'm Loki, a neurospicy, anarchist artist, fan of buckwheat pancakes and who thinks he's a coypu, unless it's the other way round
I do digital art, linocuts, cyanotypes and letterpress printing. It's very often with angry animals and questionable puns, always with anarchist and progressive themes and vintage aesthetics.
As I'm an anarchist, I give digital version of my creations away for free. And because I like to eat and have a roof over my head, I also sell prints
You can find my portfolios, my free downloads, my shops and all my links at
Sharing pisses off fascists (and regenerates the follows after a slow migration)
#FediArt #DigitalArt #Cyanotype #Linocut #Letterpress #Prints #FreeDL #ArtForSale #Anarchy #Animals
Hey, je viens de lancer un live sur ma chaine Twitch. Cette après-midi, je vais reprendre la linogravure. Rejoignez-moi : #linocut #twitch #stream #detente
Une nouvelle gravure avec la progression du travail !
1- Le brouillon
2- Le crayonné sur la plaque
3- la plaque gravée
4- le tirage (presque) final
Le biotope dépeint est celui de l'île de Hațeg, au crétacé supérieur. C'est aussi une référence au documentaire #PrehistoricPlanet
S’il y a des strasbourgeois.e.s ici :
Je donne des cours de gravure (linogravure, pointe sèche, eau forte). Un cours de 2h30, pour graver (avec mes conseils) une plaque et l’imprimer plusieurs fois
pas de niveau en dessin ou en gravure pré requis - enfants ok à partir de 8 ans - tout le matériel fourni - entre 35 et 40€ suivant la technique choisie
Les inscriptions sur le site Wyrd :
Next: Canada’s most recent territory: Nunavut The territorial symbols the rock ptarmigan and purple saxifrage flowers cover the hand-carved map of #Nunavut in my #linocut. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, lavendar, beige, black and red, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
#Canada #printmaking #sciart #mapArt #saxifrage #RockPtarmigan #MastoArt
I thought that whenever I don’t have specific art to share, it’s time to post art about Canada. FOR REASONS.
I thought I would start, like Confederation, in PEI. The symbols of Prince Edward Island, its provincial bird, the blue jay and its tree, the red oak cover the hand-carved map of PEI in this linocut. 1/n
For #InternationalWomensDay a short thread of my ongoing series of portraits of women in science through history. If you look for them, they’re there. I’m up to 67 now! Here’s to the day when a scientist’s sex is no longer remarkable in any field!
I’ve just put five recently editioned works up on my website — this linocut included: ‘Firmament: the fourth day’. A large piece for me, the sheet measuring 43 x 38 cm. Only three prints in the edition. The other pieces are all monotypes and as such are one-off prints.