Comment dorment les éléphanteaux ?
Blottis les uns contre les autres, ces bébés pachydermes nous offrent un spectacle attendrissant.
#Éléphants #Cute #Animaux #Nature
Comment dorment les éléphanteaux ?
Blottis les uns contre les autres, ces bébés pachydermes nous offrent un spectacle attendrissant.
#Éléphants #Cute #Animaux #Nature
Africa’s elephants have been in dramatic decline for 50 years. A new study explores what can be done to save them.
From @ConversationUS: The research "put together data from 1,325 surveys of elephant populations — everything we could find — to evaluate how elephant numbers in Africa have changed."
Tubby Time With Bubbles ~~ Good clean fun! Ha.
Africa’s savanna #elephants declined by 70% and forest elephants by over 90% between 1964 and 2016. Though their decline was known, its full scale and regional impact were unclear until now. A #biology professor explains:
By George Wittemyer, Colorado State University #ivorytrade
#Abstract #art & #elephants, that's what I have for you in this post; msg me if any of these appeal to you & you're interested in inviting one into your home ---
A young elephant gives itself a good belly rub on plants growing out of a termite mound while other elephants graze in the background. The young elephant looks ecstatic! Photographed in the Masai Mara in Kenya.
#elephant #elephants #masaimara #kenya #grazing #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #grasslands #giftideas #wallart #artforsale #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt @joancarroll
Made of fiberglass and rubber, animal rights campaigners are trumpeting robot elephants as an alternative to keeping real ones in captivity in India. #worldnews #society #india #elephants #animalwelfare #peta
A chained Asian elephant – Bardiya national park, #Nepal
Bronze in the nature photojournalism category
Photograph: Charlotte Keast/World Nature Photography awards
despite the crevasse, we confirm the #elephants are doing well to go to and meet the participants @phpquebec @elephpants #php @phpc @phpc @Elroubio
#News: Tesso Nilo National Park in #Sumatra #indonesia has lost 78% of primary forest since 2009 due to illegal #palmoil plantations, endangering species like #tigers #orangutans #elephants. Help them survive! #BoycottPalmOil
️ #Boycott4Wildlife
My latest fold from Shuki Kato’s marvelous book Nature Study: The African Elephant. Folded from a single 50 cm square of home made triple tissue.
For #ManuscriptMonday: Asian #Elephants & Indian #Rhinoceroses!
Lovely miniatures in a c.1590-3 imperial illuminated manuscript of The Memoirs of the Mughal Emperor Babur (r.1526-30)
British Library OR 3714, f. 378r + 379r
"Originally written in Chaghatai Turkish and translated into Persian at his grandson Akbar’s request by Mīrzā ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Khān."
Sumatran #Elephants are rapidly disappearing critically endangered in #Sumatra #Indonesia due to #palmoil #deforestation and #poaching. Help them to survive when you #BoycottPalmOil
️ #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Once again.
I'm huge #discworld fan. I re-read/listen everything from #sirterrypratchett once a year. So when it was time to decide a graduation work subject back in #ceramic studies.. I didn't need to think long.
So here's my big Discworld #sculpure. All is there, #a'tuin #elephants and the #disc.
Mostly made by #clay but the sea is melted plastic.
I did take some #artistic freedom with elephants.
This is the only one left of four Discworld #art pieces I've made, that I have permission to sell.
Once the epicenter for deadly human-elephant conflict, an eastern Nepal village along the Indian border has transformed into a model of coexistence.
Villagers, once fearful, have adopted elephant-resistant crops and beekeeping, and through a rapid response team, they safely guide elephants away.
By Deepak Adhikari
#litterature #ecologie #lecture #romans
#romaingary met en scène Morel, ancien déporté politique, à travers les témoignages d'une galerie de personnages, dans son combat pour la préservation des #éléphants . Cela illustre la complexité et la diversité des points de vue sur la question écologique. Pour Gary, la préservation des espèces est une question de #dignité humaine, un moyen pour l'homme d'échapper à son mauvais fond, de retrouver de l'honneur. Un roman dense et brillant.
Canada Senate passes bill to ban the keeping of elephants and great apes in captivity
#Elephants and other large #herbivores are vital for maintaining tree diversity in forests, promoting rich habitats and ecosystem resilience. Protect them to protect #forests #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife