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Koala! Go fetch our data!

An underweight koala, with several high-tech monitoring devices attached to its body is lost in a bulldozed habitat. It is making way for cars and a highway. The endangered animal had " a collar with a VHF tracker around its neck, a pin stitched between its shoulder blades and a blue tag on its ear."
#biodiversity #koalas #wildlife #harassment #mobility #roads #cars #telemetry #ethics #science #monitoring #tracking #conservation #MobilityDesign #LogisticsWarehouse #VegetationClearing #machines

Yahoo News · Koala wearing mysterious devices on busy road sparks concern: 'What's going on?Par Michael Dahlstrom

Far from international forums and economical centers, locals in one of the Amazon deforestation hotspots seek alternatives to agribusiness and gold mines.

Mongabay went to Pará state’s southwest and found examples of people struggling to keep sustainable initiatives in a region dominated by soy, cattle, gold and logging.

By Fernanda Wenzel

Mongabay Environmental News · The rough road to sustainable farming in an Amazon deforestation hotspotMongabay went to Pará state’s southwest and found examples of people struggling to keep sustainable initiatives in a region dominated by soy, cattle, gold and logging.

If you are caught cutting down the Amazon Rainforest illegally, chances are you will get off without being required to pay for the environmental damage. According to a recent report, only 5% of offenders have paid court-ordered fines for deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.

By Shanna Hanbury

Africa’s elephants have been in dramatic decline for 50 years. A new study explores what can be done to save them.

From @ConversationUS: The research "put together data from 1,325 surveys of elephant populations — everything we could find — to evaluate how elephant numbers in Africa have changed."

The ConversationAfrica’s elephants have been in dramatic decline for 50 years. What can be done to save them – new studyMaintaining current elephant numbers, let alone reversing declines, requires new thinking and conservation innovation.
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It is Friday, after another geopolitical week of #fear, #turmoil & #chaos driven by #Trump’s #RevengePolitics. As such, I may be guilty of endeavoring to cleanse both my heart/mind/timeline.

And because I am not involved in any primary beauty, here is another #JackieAndShadow video.

[Last year at this time I posted hourly #BabySquirrel (click) updates. Thankfully–for them–none have need rescuing yet]