#JackieAndShadow are doing a wonderful job of caring for their remaining 2 #eaglets.
#JackieAndShadow are doing a wonderful job of caring for their remaining 2 #eaglets.
Scotland-wide search for one of country's rarest species
"Butterfly Conservation is calling for people to join a Scotland-wide search for one of the smallest species in the country.
The charity's moth experts are working to save the tiny but beautiful Highland Nymph from extinction in the UK."
Koala! Go fetch our data!
An underweight koala, with several high-tech monitoring devices attached to its body is lost in a bulldozed habitat. It is making way for cars and a highway. The endangered animal had " a collar with a VHF tracker around its neck, a pin stitched between its shoulder blades and a blue tag on its ear."
#biodiversity #koalas #wildlife #harassment #mobility #roads #cars #telemetry #ethics #science #monitoring #tracking #conservation #MobilityDesign #LogisticsWarehouse #VegetationClearing #machines
Far from international forums and economical centers, locals in one of the Amazon deforestation hotspots seek alternatives to agribusiness and gold mines.
Mongabay went to Pará state’s southwest and found examples of people struggling to keep sustainable initiatives in a region dominated by soy, cattle, gold and logging.
By Fernanda Wenzel
My panda family for #WorldPandaDay. The good news is that their status has improved from endangered to vulnerable but they do remain at risk. There are an estimated 1,800 in the wild.
Despite challenges, community-led initiatives are saving #RedPandas in Nepal.
Endangered Caribbean reef sharks and other shark species are making a striking recovery in Belize after plummeting due to overfishing between 2009 and 2019, according to recent observations.
Experts say the establishment of no-shark-fishing zones around Belize’s three atolls in 2021 is what enabled the population boom.
By Marco Lopez
Ducks were once a conservation bright spot. Now they’re declining in the U.S., new report shows.
@AssociatedPress reports: https://flip.it/1YqDfg
If you are caught cutting down the Amazon Rainforest illegally, chances are you will get off without being required to pay for the environmental damage. According to a recent report, only 5% of offenders have paid court-ordered fines for deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.
By Shanna Hanbury
Africa’s elephants have been in dramatic decline for 50 years. A new study explores what can be done to save them.
From @ConversationUS: The research "put together data from 1,325 surveys of elephant populations — everything we could find — to evaluate how elephant numbers in Africa have changed."
The Galápagos rail, a small, black, ground bird, hadn’t been seen on Floreana Island in the Galápagos since 1835, when Charles Darwin first described it. That changed recently when researchers monitoring birds on Floreana recorded the rail at three different locations. These new sightings after 190 years are likely the result of efforts to eradicate invasive species on the island.
By Bobby Bascomb
Recent events and policy decisions across the world are worrying conservationists and climate researchers.
Here, Mongabay lists out ten unique community-led initiatives across the world that show positive and proven impacts.
By Sonam Lama Hyolmo
Three New Zealand islands will join an international initiative to remove invasive species and restore native wildlife.
With the addition of Maukahuka (Auckland) Island, Rakiura (Stewart) Island and Chatham Island, the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge (IOCC) will have 20 ongoing projects aimed at restoring and rewilding 40 globally significant island-ocean ecosystems by 2030.
By Kristine Sabillo
Great look at #JackieAndShadow’s 3 #eaglets.
They so resemble funny little muppets / miniature Ostriches with Slinky toy necks.
Also, every time Shadow does a feeding, “Papa can you hear me?” from Yentl plays in my head.
#Eaglet 3 has arrived! Again it was overnight, so night vision cam made it difficult to see. Here is a glimpse of the newly hatched chick + an early morning feeding.
As I break out my 1990s scented letter writing paper and marvel at its still strong scent, I find myself wondering:
Does anyone out there know anything about the science behind scented stationery?
Even better, do we know if it affects the long term preservation of the paper?
Boost for reach!
It is Friday, after another geopolitical week of #fear, #turmoil & #chaos driven by #Trump’s #RevengePolitics. As such, I may be guilty of endeavoring to cleanse both my heart/mind/timeline.
And because I am not involved in any primary beauty, here is another #JackieAndShadow video.
[Last year at this time I posted hourly #BabySquirrel (click) updates. Thankfully–for them–none have need rescuing yet]
This is some impressive #coparenting. Jackie takes off & ~15 seconds later Shadow arrives. Nice.
Time for another #JackieAndShadow & #Eaglets #TLcleanse
Here is Shadow doing a great job getting both chicks fed. You can also see the 3rd eaglet making progress on the pip in its shell
You can hear Jackie return at the end with a fresh coot.
A new analysis shows that the U.S. has lost more than one-fifth of its butterflies in just two decades. @TheConversationUS explains what’s causing the decline, why you should care, and what you can do to help reverse it.