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Sometimes I think, maybe I should use TrueNAS, and then I remembered that their C•Suite decided to give the 🖕🏻 to FreeBSD... the very same operating system and community of developers and engineers who enabled their company to exist from the start, to scale to the level which brought them success and growth and accolades from the OSS and enterprise storage communities alike.

So no, I don't use TrueNAS. Whatever many reasons they and their indolent fanboys push for moving to Linux, and I have heard them all, it's irrelevant. They didn't just bite the hand that feeds, they went straight over to the clown-show makeup meme table and slathered it on; trying so hard to convince everyone including themselves that this betrayal was the Good and Ethical thing to do.

Luckily there are alternatives, and those will get my time, engineering efforts, and fiscal support. One thing to remember: alienated users do not recommend those formerly loved products to their employers, they do not "spread the love" via organic marketing, and perhaps sometimes they dissuade when they would formerly embrace.


That's so freaking weird lol... on one of my #Proxmox nodes, I had started a test VM (#RockyLinux/#RHEL), and I was installing a single package on it, and for wtv reason that ended up powering off ALL other VMs on that Proxmox node other than that one test node.

I've never had this happen before in my
#homelab, on Proxmox or #ESXi, but it's incredibly concerning for sure lol. I have some critical stuffs on it too like my #TrueNAS server, some of #Kubernetes nodes, etc. and to have them just... power off like that without any alerts or logs explaining it, not on the GUI anyway, is insane.

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

Get a NAS with #Docker support (like #TrueNAS. You can install web-services like @nextcloud which is a completely self hostable Google Drive/Google Docs replacement with addons to extend functionality.

#DuckDuckGo is currently the best search engine that isn't self hosted however #SearXNG is self hostable and very customisable.

#OSMAnd (customisable) or #OrganicMaps (straight forward) for Maps. Both use #OpenStreetMaps

#Android replacement, well Android. I personally recommend @calyxos which comes with an open source replacement to emulate Play Services called #MicroG

Although #Proton is technically a great service, CEO has come out as a Trump supporter so I'll leave that to your personal opinon. Another good service is @Tutanota

En réponse à Simon Carpentier

@scarpentier I was just about to ask a question to the Fediverse at-large. So here goes:

I want to build a #NAS but I don’t know what [rack-mounted, dedicated] hardware to go for. Software-wise I was likely going for #ZFS and #TrueNAS.

But for hardware, I’ve been glaring at forums and sites for months, there’s so many options. I don’t know where to start.

The rest of my Home Lab can be whatever, but storage needs to be such a solid foundation.

And it’s getting urgent for me to be sovereign of my data.

#Netdata has saved my butt - I'd only set it up to get temp monitoring for my #homelab, but today I woke up with an alert notifying me that one of my #Proxmox node's #ZFS pool has degraded.

Opening up my Proxmox web interface, checking the main "Summary" and "Disks" tab, nothing would suggest that anything is out of the ordinary - even the failed disk is showing that it had passed its
#SMART test. It is only when I dug deeper into the "ZFS" section that I could see that one of my #SiliconPower NVME disk (avoid at all cost btw) has failed and the ZFS pool has degraded.

Fortunately I've an
#ADATA SX8200 Pro NVME lying around that I will use as the replacement disk, I've never done this outside of #TrueNAS's web UI, so I'll have to do so while referring to a guide. I'll also link to my guide on setting up Netdata, and will probably write up a guide on how to replace a failed disk in a ZFS pool on my repo after I've done so myself.



I've successfully migrated my #ESXi #homelab server over to #Proxmox after surprisingly a little bit of (unexpected) trouble - haven't really even moved all of my old services or #Kubernetes cluster back into it, but I'd say the most challenging part I was expecting which is #TrueNAS has not only been migrated, but also upgraded from TrueNAS Core 12 to TrueNAS Scale 24.10 (HUGE jump, I know).

Now then. I'm thinking what's the best way to move forward with this, now that I have 2 separate nodes running Proxmox. There are multiple things to consider. I suppose I could cluster 'em up, so I can manage both of them under one
roof but from what I can tell, clustering on Proxmox works the same way as you would with Kubernetes clusters like #RKE2 or #K3s whereby you'd want at least 3 nodes, if not just 1. I can build another server, I have the hardware parts for it, but I don't think I'd want to take up more space I already do and have 3 PCs running 24/7.

I'm also thinking of possibly joining my 2 RKE 2 Clusters (1 on each node) into 1... but I'm not sure how I'd go about it having only 2 physical nodes. Atm, each cluster has 1 Master node and 3 Worker nodes (VMs ofc). Having only 2 physical nodes, I'm not sure how I'd spread the number of master/worker nodes across the 2. Maintaining only 1 (joined) cluster would be helpful though, since it'd solve my current issue of not being able to use one of them to publish services online using
#Ingress "effectively", since I could only port forward the standard HTTP/S ports to only a single endpoint (which means the secondary cluster will use a non-standard port instead i.e. 8443).

This turned out pretty long - but yea... any ideas what'd be the "best" way of moving forward if I only plan to retain 2 Proxmox nodes - Proxmox wise, and perhaps even Kubernetes wise?

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

@TomAoki multiple separate overlapping of-topic discussions are inevitable at times such as this.

Partly off-topic, one of the things that I love about Discourse is the automated cross-referencing (linking) when quoting from one topic in another. Readers can be aware of the spread of things, with zero fuss.

There can be no cure for the few people who will not tolerate Internet links (to external content, beyond the bubble of The FreeBSD Forums).

That aside: a shift from XenForo to Discourse could, slowly but effectively, cure a fair amount of what's problematic – without admin/moderator intervention. True: the most hostile offenders might, in the early months of a transition, abuse the aspects of Discourse through which moderation is automated.

The optimist in me believes that Discourse is mature enough for such abuse to become apparent, and then easily stamped out. Result:

― a better community, for everyone.

Food for thought, <>:

― the result of a swiftly executed, effective move from XenForo to Discourse.

#FreeBSD #iXsystems #TrueNAS # #Discourse #XenForo #forums #forum #discussion #abuse #troublemakers #narrowminded #clique #hostility

TrueNAS Community ForumsTrueNAS Community ForumsTrueNAS Community Help and Discussion

I just moved instance and thought it would be great with a short #introduction .

I live in Sweden. Work remotely as a full stack consultant. Previously a game programmer. Junior admin for #acc . Currently I like the following:
- #programming / #cpp / #python
- #homelab / #proxmox / #truenas / #hardware
- #games (All of them)
- #anime / #manga
- #movies / #music
- #food / #chips

Feel free to reach out. If your content is interesting, I will follow you.

[Résolu] Je sèche depuis une semaine, je vais poser une #question informatique boulot, je trouve pas.

On a des PC windows à jour qui bossent sur #Revit - un partage samba sur un #Truenas

Quel que soit le compte utilisateur, il y a des PC pour lesquels ça marche, et des PC pour lesquels ça ne marche pas.

J'ai vérifié les droits et les verrous, tenté des copies manuelles (avec succès). Taille du rvt: 80Mo. Vitesse du lien : 1Gb/s. Ça fonctionne très bien même en VPN.