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👩🏻‍💻 Big Brain Computer Parts 👩🏻‍💻

- "Build Day Monday Funday, Yet Another Machine Intelligence System [YAMIS]"
- Season 2, Episode 4: Mostly Modern Systems and Hardware Engineering

Despite some goon sending this kinda pricey Ice Lake Xeon through international post, wrapped up in two thin layers of non/anti-static bubble wrap shoved into a Tyvek shipping bag (not a box!), it arrived yesterday and seems to be in decent shape after a trip from Australia to the middle of America.

So, what one does with a NOS (new old stock) bit of hardware which needs to be perfect in order to function, we inspect with macro photos and various image filtering methods to identify any potential flaws.

CPU: Intel Xeon 8370C
Spec: 32 cores, 64 threads, 2.8GHz base clock
Dimensions: my favorite general purpose lip gloss (sorta) tube for scale

I've been trying to find a nice way of mirroring my GitHub repos. First I tried gitweb but it's incredibly basic, even the Linux kernel doesn't use it. They use cgit, so I tried that and it's an improvement. However, it's a pain to configure. I finally settled on Bonus feature: it already supports mirroring and I don't need my bash script + cron to fetch remote updates.

Forgejo – Beyond coding. We forge.
forgejo.orgForgejo – Beyond coding. We forge.Forgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge. Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.

Sometimes I think, maybe I should use TrueNAS, and then I remembered that their C•Suite decided to give the 🖕🏻 to FreeBSD... the very same operating system and community of developers and engineers who enabled their company to exist from the start, to scale to the level which brought them success and growth and accolades from the OSS and enterprise storage communities alike.

So no, I don't use TrueNAS. Whatever many reasons they and their indolent fanboys push for moving to Linux, and I have heard them all, it's irrelevant. They didn't just bite the hand that feeds, they went straight over to the clown-show makeup meme table and slathered it on; trying so hard to convince everyone including themselves that this betrayal was the Good and Ethical thing to do.

Luckily there are alternatives, and those will get my time, engineering efforts, and fiscal support. One thing to remember: alienated users do not recommend those formerly loved products to their employers, they do not "spread the love" via organic marketing, and perhaps sometimes they dissuade when they would formerly embrace.


Okay, we're gonna be yeeting our Echo devices shortly. What're good alternatives? We're a mixed household -- my partner is Android, I'm iOS -- and we have a home assistant installation kicking around, including integration with Hue

I'm leaning towards homepods, but I'm open to other options. #homelab #HomeAutomation

Finally got BookStack up and running in a container with a supporting database also in another container next to it.

I've found several deployments of varying quality online, including several GitHub issues with heated commentary from different perspectives of people setting up their own BookStack instance on servers/containers. Those were assumptions of what a setup script would do vs. what the author intended and those things definitely didn't line up.

I finally got mine running/cooperating when I noticed it looked like Apache was listening on 8080, not 80. Being a container, I had limited command line tools available, so I was lucky to find the apache config file with the right data. No netstat, lsof, sudo, etc.

I tested it out in the container, fixed my ingress URLs, and almost instantly, it came up healthy.

Now I need to a) redesign the deployment as a StatefulSet with PVCs/PVs, and b) get secrets into env vars.

The way that games were meant to be played.

On Linux (NixOS), big screen.

AMD hardware fully for this machine.
Also the same machine that is part of a k8s cluster, running incus for lxc, Ceph for a storage cluster.
Connected by 2x 10gbs to the other machines.

TLDR homelabing strong 💪 lately.


Hm, it seems removing entire nodes and their devices from a Rook Ceph cluster is not entirely simple. I just deleted the entries for one of my nodes from the Ceph Cluster CR, and nothing happened. I would have expected that Rook would start the standard OSD puge procedure. And the Rook OSD removal producedure is surprisingly vague.

Does anyone else know of a good self hosted ebook library server that can be used with native multi-platform reading app support and sync reading progress?

I really don't want to read books from a web app, I want to be able to read while offline whether on my iPhone, iPad or my Boox e-reader (Android)

I love the way BookFusion works, but I don't want to rely on their cloud storage (or any company's cloud storage for that matter)
#FOSS #SelfHosted #ebooks #nas #HomeLab

👋🏼 Ich bin nicht #neuhier, aber vor gut 1/2 Jahr auf meine #selfhosted #Mastodon-Instanz umgezogen 📦.

Ich bin Florian 👨🏼‍💻, #Informatik|student an der #RWTHAachen 🎓 und #tech-Enthusiast.
Ich hoste vieles im #homelab #selfhosting, programmiere Apps mit #Flutter 📲, aber auch Webseiten 🌐 und andere #Software 💻.

Zudem begeistert mich die #Notfallmedizin #Medizin und ich bin als #Rettungssanitäter im #Rettungsdienst tätig 🩺🚑.
Ich liebe #Wassersport, egal ob #Segeln ⛵, #Tauchen 🤿 oder #Schwimmen 🏊🏼‍♂️.

Suite du fil

Ok so installing #talos from a usb stick didn’t work as it wanted to use the stick as the system disk. Had to image directly on to the internal SSD.

Still, the first worker node is up and running. Couple more to get going. All eBay HP EliteDesk Mini G2s with an i5-6500 processor and 16GB.

Will be selling some 8GB #raspberryPi 4s in a couple of weeks after the upgrade. If you are in the UK and interested let me know…

Hey #homelab folks, I'm curious what others do for brainstorming/testing environment. I'll find something I want to try out or test some new configuration and I'm not happy with my current setup. I am looking to build out a way I can test something without slapping it onto my production stuff. Do you spin up new VMs? On your desktop/laptop? Have a test machine? What do y'all do?

i keep trying to like talos over and over again, and i keep failing at it. i want to be like the cool kids, and I just can't.

people keep saying that this was the best kubernetes experience for them, but I keep drowning in random yaml configs and I can't see how that's easier than rolling out an ubuntu server and running a single k3s command


New instance, so time for a re #introduction post!

Hi all, I'm Phillip! 👋 I just moved from (I still love you Jerry 🫶) I'm a 20-something guy living with my gf somewhere in the U.S. unfortunately.

Professionally, I am a solo #it admin/automation engineer at a smaller company.

Unprofessionally, I am into #discgolf, #music, #reading, #houseplants, #homelab, #gaming, #SmallWeb, and more. Check out my page in my bio if you'd like. Feel free to say hi!