Standalone Snowflake proxy update 11
Uptime: 6d 01:04
Total download bandwidth donated: ~1.03 TB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~1.08 TB
Back into terabyte territory, baby!
Standalone Snowflake proxy update 11
Uptime: 6d 01:04
Total download bandwidth donated: ~1.03 TB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~1.08 TB
Back into terabyte territory, baby!
Standalone Snowflake proxy update 10
Uptime: 5d 01:50
Total download bandwidth donated: ~852 GB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~885 GB
Standalone Snowflake proxy update 9
Uptime: 3d 13:44
Total download bandwidth donated: ~598 GB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~621 GB
It's 3 days since the last power outage. Yay!
Standalone Snowflake proxy update 8
Uptime: 3d 03:16
Total download bandwidth donated: ~511 GB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~531 GB
Still an estimated 10 TiB donated in a month..
Just a tiny little higher, 10.81 TiB instead of 10.73 TiB from last measurement.
Snowflake proxy update 4
Uptime: 5d 02:35
Total download bandwidth donated: ~877 GiB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~917 GiB
Just a little more till the first terabyte...
HOLY! Estimated 10 TiB in a fucking month?!?!
There's no way. I gotta wait a week for a more accurate measurement but.. how in the actual fuck?!
Snowflake proxy update 3
Uptime: 3d 06:27
Total download bandwidth donated: ~556 GiB
Total upload bandwidth donated: ~581 GiB
Snowflake-proxy got migrated to Proxmox. Looks like I've donated over half a terabyte in just 3 days! YAY!
(1/2) After hours of looking around for a tool to determine the geographical location of the users using my snowflake-proxy, I finally got them!
The sticks o' RAM are finally here !
Time to set up the home server dedicated for the snowflake-proxy, pihole, locally self hosted stuff and more other stuff !
I just discovered why my snowflake-proxy wasn't doing anything..
It's because my PiHole failed for some reason ! Now that it's fixed, it's back donating unlimited bandwidth for people behind non-free countries!
Don't miss #RightsCon25 in Taipei! From February 24 to 27, 2025, delve into the criminalization of Tor use in the Ola Bini case. Discover essential lessons for digital experts from the Global South.
Ecuador: February 24 at 8:00 p.m. (GMT-5)
Taipei: February 25 at 9:00 a.m. (GMT+8). #DigitalRights #TorProject
Man, the snowflake icon for the Snowflake proxy browser extension has been a green for 3-4 hours now.
It just feels good to know that somebody, probably from a shitty country w/ censorship, is having a time of their lives browsing the free and open internet through my computer lol
Join the session “Criminalization of Tor use in the Ola Bini case?” at #RightsCon25 in Taipei from February 24-27, 2025. Experts from EFF, Tor Project and Access Now will share key lessons for the Global South. Don't miss it! #DigitalRights #TorProject
Únete a la sesión "¿Criminalización del uso de Tor en el caso Ola Bini?" en #RightsCon25 en Taipei del 24 al 27 de febrero de 2025. Expertos de EFF, Tor Project y Access Now compartirán lecciones clave para el Sur Global. ¡No te lo pierdas! #DerechosDigitales #TorProject
¡No te pierdas #RightsCon25 en Taipei! Del 24 al 27 de febrero de 2025, profundiza en la criminalización del uso de Tor en el caso Ola Bini. Descubre lecciones esenciales para expertos digitales del Sur Global. Horarios: Ecuador: 24 de febrero a las 20h00 (GMT-5), Taipei: 25 de febrero a las 9h00 (GMT+8). #DerechosDigitales #TorProject
TOR Project's Twitter account got hacked by #PumpFun memecoin bros (note the "pump" at end of contract address).
@ginaintheburg Are you shure you don't conflate @torproject / #TorBrowser with @tails_live / @tails / #Tails, which is a #Linux #distro with #Tor & Tor #Browser setup and ready to use.
Confusingly Tails has been absorbed by the #TorProject but that's a different story...
As for #Accessibility, maybe the combination of a #HeadMountedDisplay & wireless Keyboard + Mouse combo offers you the desired flexibility...
@torproject & @tails are going to strengthen their collaboration by merging¹!
#Tor has also released a new alpha
It seems this #update does not address any of the potential #security issues, recently suspected after #German #lawenforcement claims to have used #timinganalysis to unmask Tor users.
Potential solutions: timing delays, cover traffic...
Gute Nachrichten für die #Privatsphäre im Internet: #Artikel5eV wird es auch in Zukunft geben. Der Verein wird auch weiterhin unbeirrt #Tor-Exits betreiben.
Bei der außerordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung heute wurde ein neuer Vorsitzender gewählt – das bin ich. Zwei weitere Vorstände bleiben dabei. Für Kontinuität ist also gesorgt. Ich bringe Vereins- und Tor-Erfahrung mit. Von 2016 bis Ende November 2023 war ich bei #Digitalcourage für den Betrieb der Tor-Exit-Relays zuständig. Ich danke den Mitgliedern von #Artikel5 für ihr Vertrauen.
Dass Artikel 5 e.V. weiterhin Tor-Relays betreibt, ist mir wichtig, denn das Tor-Netzwerk funktioniert am besten, wenn es viele verschiedene Relay-Betreibende gibt und diese idealerweise auch verschiedene Rechenzentren nutzen. Gerade hinsichtlich der #Netzwerkdiversität hat Artikel 5 vorbildliche Arbeit geleistet und vertrauensvolle Arbeitsverhältnisse zu mehreren Hostern aufgebaut. Dass dieses Kapital erhalten bleibt, konnten wir heute absichern. Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, werdet Mitglied:
Damit könnt ihr etwas gegen die im #Unsicherheitspaket vorgesehene verschärfte #Massenüberwachung tun.