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#introduction #soundart #experimentalmusic #listeningbasements
I'm an American sound artist/musician type living in the North of France. Looking around Mastodon.

The ever inventive #DisquietJunto just published a little interview. A better introduction!

If you haven't joined the Junto, it's fun. And Marc's week in sound newsletter is pretty amazing especially if you're #teachingsound #soundstudies

disquiet.comJunto Profile: Marjorie Van Halteren – Disquiet

PROMO Il est là ! Notre album Agraphon ! Deux faces, une hominidée, l'autre non. L'interprétation sonore de mon roman médiéval immersif et éco-féministe Agrapha, avec Mushin.
SELF-PROMOTION ! It's out! Our album Agraphon! Two sides, the hominid-one, the post-human one. The sound-art interpretation of my immersive ecofeminist medieval novel Agrapha, with Mushin.
#fieldrecording #acousmatic #AcousmaticMusic #middleages #soundart #soundscape #ecofeminism

A fresh #Introduction from my new instance, previously @brianlavelle since 2022.

👋🏻 Boosts would be very welcome so other servers can ‘see’ mine.

I play the guitar & other things, & like #ImprovisedMusic #FreeImprovisation #ExperimentalMusic #SoundArt #Books #Poetry #Wandering #Cats

My site:
My music:

I’m also looking for #ImprovisingMusicians & #ExperimentalMusicians for collaboration, particularly in #Edinburgh & other parts of #Scotland.


I am Raphael, a field recordist and sound artist based in Belgium. I strongly believe in the power of sound as a medium to facilitate and improve an understanding with our environment. Recently I (& Maarten Buyl) founded EXTANT , a non profit artistic production platform for sound practices.

You can find my work on Bandcamp and I regularly post 18-30min soundscapes on Soundcloud

Very cool to see a lot of people on Mastodon! Here is a little communication on a work:

New performance "An Eye from Above" premiere in tsonami Festival - Valparaiso - 18 jan 25.

For over 20 years, the three NOAA satellites have been crossing our sky at over 20,000 km/h, continuously scanning the Earth's clouds and radiant energies.

An Eye from above is a performance that attempts to receive a live signal from one of these satellites, using an adapted antenna and a radio tuned to 137 MHz. As the satellite rises above our horizon, its signal slowly emerges from the surrounding noise, giving rise to a characteristic pulsation. The antenna acts as a revealer, making perceptible the electrical energy that passes through our bodies and our environment amidst a crowd of other artificial signals.

Poetry of analog protocols: this pulsation can be decoded into an image. Slowly, line by line, a nephanalysis of the 2000 km that surround us appears. Clouds and infrared radiation from the ground are displayed, offering a shift from our point of view to that of a space object.

Suite du fil

I'm making some more databending sounds today, and this one sounds surprisingly like a damped music box!

It reminds me of the custom music box machines from Clara Iannotta's "The People Here Go Mad. They Blame The Wind" ( I believe she has some wood boxes with 12 music boxes, motors to run them, and adjustable dampers.