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Vous n'étiez pas là quand j'attendais le réveil des oiseaux à l'aube. Alors voilà c'est chez vous. @sammystein de chez lui m'a accompagné, lui et a fait des chansons un petit livre que j'aime plus que tout. Le tout est rassemblé par @ujnsq et sortira de sa grotte le 21 mars. Vous pouvez déjà écouter un titre et voir des images ici :

Un grand merci à @Michel_Funken qui a tout manigancé avec l'equipe de UNJSQ

I use an 'old' Audio-Technica AT825 for field recording and it's an awesome device for this. But I never had to research to get a new one, and the ones you find on ebay are often quite damaged and need fixing. Any other field recorder that could recommend a ~300$ mic for field recording, not a shotgun mic, but to capture the ambiant sounds and stereo.
#askfediverse #mic #fieldrecording

New soundscape recording. Feel free to let me know what you think and give some feedback!

A flock of cows, horses and goats slowly grazes from left to right against the steep grassy mountain slope of Monte Marrone, Molise, Italy. The microphone is surrounded by grashoppers, bees and flies and has woodland on either side. Occasionally the wind intensifies.

PROMO Il est là ! Notre album Agraphon ! Deux faces, une hominidée, l'autre non. L'interprétation sonore de mon roman médiéval immersif et éco-féministe Agrapha, avec Mushin.
SELF-PROMOTION ! It's out! Our album Agraphon! Two sides, the hominid-one, the post-human one. The sound-art interpretation of my immersive ecofeminist medieval novel Agrapha, with Mushin.
#fieldrecording #acousmatic #AcousmaticMusic #middleages #soundart #soundscape #ecofeminism

My most recent work is Tracce Di Luce, a sound dramaturgy and short audio documentary that captures layers of memory, history, and atmosphere in the village of Castelnuovo Al Volturno in Molise, Italy.

This composition was inspired Charles Moulin, a French painter and hermit whose life and legacy remains imprinted on the village. I embedded myself in the community and gathered testimonies on Castelnuovo’s history.

Feel free to give feedback!


'in place, in the remains’
(cassette/download, 2025)

A new album by Fells has just been released, making this a very good day. It's the project’s first release in 5 years. I wish more people knew of their mysterious, otherworldly soundscapes which have often helped to soothe my thoughts in overwhelming moments.

Thank you Steven for these new portals into a world beyond the realm of strife.

#Minimalism #Drone #Ambient #FieldRecording #Fells

About me ~ I’m a field recordists and artist devoted to listening gestures and interspecies kinship. I’m a frog and glacier enthusiast who believes in presence and permeance as fundamental gateways for earthly connection. I’m also the co-founder and curator of forms of minutiae, a publishing house for sonic ecologies and experimental music.

Here, I’ll share news about my practice, and oozing thoughts, enjoyments and convictions.


pablodiserens.studioPablo Diserenstuned to various biomes and phonographies


I am Raphael, a field recordist and sound artist based in Belgium. I strongly believe in the power of sound as a medium to facilitate and improve an understanding with our environment. Recently I (& Maarten Buyl) founded EXTANT , a non profit artistic production platform for sound practices.

You can find my work on Bandcamp and I regularly post 18-30min soundscapes on Soundcloud