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Today is Setsubun (節分), the day before spring in the old calendar in Japan. As always, we followed the tradition of eating Ehomaki sushi (handmade by a local restaurant/cafe). One eats the roll without talking, while facing the year’s lucky direction.
Upon pickup, the shop owner even threw in a free bowl of handmade kimchi. 👍

Today, February 2, is Setsubun! Let's eat a long thick sushi roll called marukaburizushi/ehomaki without speaking while facing the lucky direction (eho in Japanese) and making a wish! This year's lucky direction is approximately west-southwest (kanoe in Japanese). #setsubun #fedibird

Today in Japan is Setsubun, a festival for driving out bad luck and welcoming good fortune. The most popular ritual involves throwing beans. I've written a quick overview at the link below if you'd like to find out more. My Substack newsletter is completely free so please subscribe for new content if you're interested.
#FolkloreSunday #JapaneseFolklore #setsubun #folklore #japan #yokai @folklore

Hanashi by Curious Ordinary · SetsubunPar Curious Ordinary


Setsubun (節分), which typically falls on February 2nd or 3rd, marks the beginning of spring in the old lunar calendar.

"Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!"
"Devils out! Fortune in!"

Gathering lucky beans, 'fukumame' (福豆), it's time to drive away misfortune for another year.
