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The Vestal Virgins maintained the sacred fire of Vesta, goddess of hearth and home, for the goddess was quite at home at Rome and a sacred order of women was made to maintain the fire for official sacrifices and rituals; Christians extinguished it in 394. #FolkloreSunday

Today in Japan is Setsubun, a festival for driving out bad luck and welcoming good fortune. The most popular ritual involves throwing beans. I've written a quick overview at the link below if you'd like to find out more. My Substack newsletter is completely free so please subscribe for new content if you're interested.
#FolkloreSunday #JapaneseFolklore #setsubun #folklore #japan #yokai @folklore

Hanashi by Curious Ordinary · SetsubunPar Curious Ordinary

#FolkloreSunday: „January 6th is marked by Nollaig na mBan or Women's Little Christmas.
On this day it is the tradition in Ireland for the women to get together and enjoy their own Christmas, while the men folk stay at home and handle all the chores. It is also common for children to buy their mothers and grandmothers presents on this day, though this custom is gradually being overtaken by Mothers Day.“ #Celtic