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For as long as I remember I’ve been fascinated with “endlessness” in art, and in life for that matter. Sometimes things appear to be going somewhere but in reality they are not, or maybe they are but there is no start or end to them. In music, we have things like “Shepard tone” and the “Risset rhythm”. I have played around with ideas that have the potential to be “endless”, for example in my composition “Hikk!” for flute, clarinet and bassoon (see comments for link). There I used a kind of a walking bass melody that walked endlessly, switching between walking up a major third and minor second, jumping up and down octaves where practical. The whole piece is derived from this small idea.

I wonder how you can play with similar ideas in poetry, photography, visual art, dance or other art forms. Feel free to try, and let me know in the comments what you come up with.

One more thing - I would love to get prompts and ideas from you, dear creative people of the internet. Tell me about ideas, interesting books or pieces you think I might enjoy.

#CreativePrompts #jazz #improvisation #improvisedmusic #contemporarymusic #composition #composing #icelandicmusic #icelandicjazz #guitar #bigband #compositionalstudies #jazzguitar #compositionstudies #creativity #flute #clarinet #bassoon #woodwindtrio

Je ne t'avais pas montré cette #flûte.
C'est une #flûteGlobulaire d'une forme proche de l'#ocarina.
Un peu comme on fait un carnet de croquis pour améliorer son trait, je taille parfois des flûtes-sculptures pour le plaisir de me créer des problèmes à résoudre 🤓

☛ Branche de pommier.
☛ Perce intérieure ∅2cm en trois fois pour suivre le coude (accès rebouchés discrètement).
☛ Gamme pentatonique mineure (il fallait bien que je le fasse au moins 1×).

#Introduction with a billion #hashtags...

I'm Alba, a
#trans #nonbinay #bisexual #autistic #vegan #antifascist #activist from #Nijmegen, #NL. In addition to my #autism, I've also got #ADHD, #hyperlexia, related auditory processing and executive function issues, #aphantasia and #SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory). I'm an IT #tech at a large #international company, a volunteer for the #radical #intersectional #anticapitalist #political party #BIJ1 and a freelance #translator. I speak #Nederlands, #français, #English, #Deutsch and #Esperanto. I play #saxophone - I have a bari sax, a tenor sax and a soprano sax. I also have a #flute and a #ukelele but I don't play those nearly as well as the saxes. I love playing #TTRPG like #DnD5e and #PF2e, and I have two #cats, an orange slonk called Hobbes and a void chonk called Nita.

I used to hang out on until early 2023 when that instance shut down. I then moved to and recently decided to hop on to

Je n'avais pas posté de photos de la #flûte terminée. En cherchant bien, on arrive à faire une montée chromatique de Ré3 à Fa4 mais c'est surtout facile pour les notes de la gamme de Lam harmonique.

On la tient embouchure tournée vers le bas, pouces croisés (plus stable). Vu de dessous, on dirait un perso aux yeux bizarres.

J'ai testé ici l'intérieur brûlé mais ça n'en vaut pas la chandelle (ah ah) pour le son et ça rend visible la fermeture. À l'avenir, je me contenterai de poncer et huiler.

I was playing this #flute earlier. Sadly, recordings didn't come out that great though; it's pretty tricky.
This is a reconstruction #palaeolithic flute based on the find at Grubgraben, Austria, 1994. It's attributed to the Epigravettian culture and dated 23,000-20,000 BP (according to updated research). Made from a reindeer tibia, it's the earliest-known #instrument with holes made by a flint drill; older ones had scraped holes instead. #Histodons #History #Prehistory #Paleolithic

#Introduction Good morning! I managed to survive the transition of power yesterday with my normal good cheer in tact by grabbing a new Jodi Picoult novel, some hot coffee, chocolate and staying in bed for most of the day! I'm new here. I'm a Criminology Professor. I love #books #restaurants #flute #comfortfoods #colorado #USLSoccer and being a #bbw I'm happily single & #childfreebychoice I'm part of the 92% who are too tired and too disappointed to care about much anymore. Save yourselves. 💜

I now own and can play a note on my new* #flute

I guess that makes a basic #flautist lol.

I decided life is too short to not do the things I want to (budget permitting)

I always wanted to learn the saxophone, flute, Bass guitar and keyboard

So I am.

"Don't put off today, what you might never get to do tomorrow" - Richard Thomas

* new to me

Happy New Year. I know things feel really hard for a lot of us right now, so let me tell you something important:

In the highland rainforest of NSW, in the Werrikimbe region, there’s a community of superb lyrebirds. Lyrebirds are known for their unparalleled mimicry: they can reproduce the call of any bird they hear (and many other sounds as well). They collect songs like crows collect shiny objects. The variety and complexity of their repertoire, and the skill with which they deliver it, determines their reproductive success.

They also compose songs of their own. These songs vary from region to region; they are learned by lyrebirds when they're young, and passed down from generation to generation with remarkable stability. If a lyrebird finds or produces a new melody that other lyrebirds like, they absorb it into the communal repertoire.

The lyrebirds that live in the Werrikimbe are called flute lyrebirds because in winter, when they're in love, they sing a complex rising melody which sounds like scales played on a flute. This "flute accent" exists nowhere else in the world; it’s unique to this one community. On cold mornings, it floats down through the mists like an enchantment.

How did this haunting melody come about? It's said that a young boy kept a tame lyrebird, and every day the bird listened to him practicing the flute. Then one day the bird escaped. It went to live with its wild brethren, and taught them this new song.

But the truth is much more magical: Lyrebirds composed this song all on their own. It's more complex than any human flautist could ever hope to achieve, and it’s got features unique to lyrebird melody and anatomy.

Lyrebirds live and breathe music. They are built for music. They spend their lives studying the soundscape. They listened to the world around them, all of the pain and suffering and desire and joy, and this is what they sang back into it.

#introduction -- i am an #artist (#graphics, #printing, #sculpture), #musician (#tuba, #trombone, #LowBrass, #flute, #electronics), #agarbathiwala (#incense-seller), and #BrainInjury #survivor. i have done #MusicalInstrumentRepair and #software #qa_testing. i ran away from home and joined a #circus (#unicycle, #high_wire) and i used to be a #juggler but after my injury, i was forced to switch from being #RightHanded to being #LeftHanded, and i don't juggle anywhere near as well as i used to.

Suite du fil

Another flute player gave me as much joy as her, a few years before, Nicole Mitchell.

Her Indigo trio, in particular, is wonderful music. (With herself on flute, Harrison Bank head on bass, and Hamid Drake on drums).

“Music is the healing source of the universe”, said Pharaoh Sanders, these two players and her friends in music make it true.

#jazz #flute