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Communauté ludique (jeux vidéo, de rôle, de société, etc) destinée aux joueuses et joueurs francophones de tous horizons. French speaking people only.

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Écrasant, sincère, et mélodique. Le nouveau single de "A BURIAL AT SEA" est un manifeste sur notre situation actuelle, où nous avons détruit notre monde, et si on essayait de revenir en arrière ?

A écouter en visionnant le clip, qui nous interpelle avec de nombreuses images et quelques phrases clés, pour réveiller notre conscience.

It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "fuzzy!"

Post a song/songs that you think fit "fuzzy"! It can be about feeling fuzzy in your brain, or warm and fuzzy in your heart, it can be about being fuzzy, or maybe the history of the song is fuzzy or whatever! The song can itself could sound fuzzy or just remind you of fuzziness. You can interpret the mood any way you want!

There are no wrong answers!

Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "fuzzy".


It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "messy"!

Post a song/songs that you think fit "messy"! It can be about being messy, that you put on when you feel messy, it can be about emotionally feeling messy or about physical messiness or cleaning up or whatever! The song can itself be a mess, or maybe the making of the song has a messy history, or there's a messy story around it. You can interpret the mood any way you want!

There are no wrong answers!

Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "messy".

Camiseta Augustine Azul (19/10/2016)

Após fazer o desenho para a banda Augustine Azul (veja o post anterior) a banda me convidou para fazer uma versão daquela arte para camiseta. Claro que aceitei com muito gosto!

Fiz algumas alterações, e assim surgiu essa outra versão da arte. Porém, infelizmente ela nunca virou camiseta, por falta de recursos da banda, que estava fazendo um vinil na época. A essa altura acho que nunca vai rolar. E, parando para pensar, acredito que ela funcione melhor como pôster, pela quantidade de detalhes da arte.

Deixo aqui mais um som da banda, dessa vez um trecho de uma apresentação deles em João Pessoa em 2017:

#mastoart #draw #desenho #digitalart #music #stonerrock #stoner #instrumental #progressive #psychedelic #Brasil