BREAKING: EA releases C&C source code under GPL3!
C&C code made open source? Workshop added to C&C3? Are you KIDDING ME?! LET'S. FUCKIN. GOOOOOOO
Cool news from EA regarding source code releases for Command & Conquer. I have not reviewed the repos yet but felt compelled to share.
I can't quite believe it either. Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Command & Conquer Renegade and Command & Conquer Generals (inc. Zero Hour) have their code officially open sourced.
Star Wars: The Old Republic could’ve changed EA forever if it had made billions
#SWTOR #BioWare #ElectronicArts #MMORPG
SimCity 4 – Das SimCity des 21. Jahrhunderts
Maxis katapultierte den vierten Teil seiner erfolgreichen Städteaufbau-Simulation SimCity im frisch gestarteten Jahr 2003 ins 21. Jahrhundert.
#2003 #Aufbausimulation #ElectronicArts #Maxis #PC #Retro #SimCity #SimCity #SimCity4 #Sims #Stadt #Videospiele
The Sims is 25 years old. @Smithsonianmag takes a look at its enduring appeal and cultural impact.
Battlefield: novità in arrivo, forse già nel 2025
#2025 #Battlefield #BattlefieldLabs #EA #ElectronicArts #FPS #GameNews #Gamer #Gaming #GamingIndustry #Notizie #Novità #TechNews #VideoGame #Videogiochi
Today is the 25th anniversary of #TheSims!
When The Sims and The Sims 2 were re-released on Steam, the store page incorrectly said it included Denuvo. They fixed the page, but it's too late; a lot of people still think it has Denuvo and refuse to buy it. EA shot themselves in the foot big-time.
The Sims 4 has reached 90 DLCs with even more on the way.
Again, #LegendaryDrops drops (pun intended) another great video.
While #EA is evil, I would say that the moment shareholders and investors invaded the gaming space, they turned Gaming Craftsmanship into an Engagement Industry.
EA chiude Origin il 17/04/2025. Gli utenti dovranno passare alla EA App, ma chi ha PC a 32 bit o macOS meno recenti non potrà più giocare ai titoli EA. Dati e acquisti saranno trasferiti, ma non accessibili su hardware incompatibili. #giochipc #notizievideogiochi #gamingnews #videogiochi #electronicarts #origin
Terminei o campeonato Bad Lands Elite no "NASCAR Rumble" no "PlayStation".
#nascarrumble #electronicarts #playstation
Wie #ElectronicArts jetzt verkündet, stellt der Publisher schon bald seinen #Launcher #Origin ein. #Gamer müssen mitsamt ihrer #Spiele in die #EA App umziehen. Wer einen alten PC hat, bleibt auf der Strecke.,148249.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Terminei o campeonato Beach Blast Elite no "NASCAR Rumble" no "PlayStation".
#nascarrumble #electronicarts #playstation
1.5M copies for #Veilguard doesn't seem to bad, but for a corpo like #EA it is.
The problem is that EA was expecting 10M and they budgeted for that. By logic, EA lost money. The game was budgeted well above $100M.
Seems logical that #Bioware (Edmonton) would close, leaving Bioware Austin without help for #MassEffect5.
Terminei o campeonato Southern Exposure Elite no "NASCAR Rumble" no "PlayStation".
#nascarrumble #electronicarts #playstation