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EA chiude Origin il 17/04/2025. Gli utenti dovranno passare alla EA App, ma chi ha PC a 32 bit o macOS meno recenti non potrà più giocare ai titoli EA. Dati e acquisti saranno trasferiti, ma non accessibili su hardware incompatibili. #giochipc #notizievideogiochi #gamingnews #videogiochi #electronicarts #origin


1.5M copies for #Veilguard doesn't seem to bad, but for a corpo like #EA it is.

The problem is that EA was expecting 10M and they budgeted for that. By logic, EA lost money. The game was budgeted well above $100M.

Seems logical that #Bioware (Edmonton) would close, leaving Bioware Austin without help for #MassEffect5.