Hey! Mario's Picross is celebrating its 30th anniversary today
The very first picross video game! Released on March 14, 1995.
I found this copy about 5 years ago
Hey! Mario's Picross is celebrating its 30th anniversary today
The very first picross video game! Released on March 14, 1995.
I found this copy about 5 years ago
XBAND: You're playing Madden NFL '95 against some guy who hasn't taken a shower in a week.
Source: Next Generation 7 (July 1995)
Scan Source: RetroMags
¡30 años de historia con PlayStation!
Desde su lanzamiento en 1994, PlayStation ha revolucionado la industria del videojuego. Playmania lo celebra con un especial que repasa momentos icónicos, sagas inolvidables y consolas legendarias.
De PS1 a PS5, un viaje lleno de nostalgia y evolución.
¿Cuál fue tu primer juego de PlayStation?
Of course, I could not leave out a still full character shot of Phi's form "rage".
I did this as a study for a weekly challenge last week but its intention was for today.
Happy Birthday Phi. Thanks for dragging me into the pro art world. I would be lost without you!
I was not able to finish what I wanted for my OC's birthday. Phi means the world to me but work has been a slog (why does GDC have to be this month...)
Here are some shots of what exactly I am working on though. I hope to have a refined preview video soon!
Il y a des licences Capcom qui méritent d'être connues. Gargoyle's Quest sur GameBoy en est un parfait exemple. Voici l'article que j'ai consacré à ce petit bijou d'action aventure https://guidafunkyman.com/gargoyles-quest-point-de-depart-de-mes-lets-play-commentes/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fedica-Promo
Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Final Fantasy X International (NTSC-J PS2)
Starting into a new adventure with the completest version of the game on original hardware.
Checking out the OSSC Pro's motion adaptive deinterlacer of the new scaler mode.
Ready? Many more battle scenes will soon be available! (Space Harrier, Sega, Arcade, 1986) #retrogaming #gaming
We're back in the dystopian future of #IonFury for today's VOD, and as frustrating as this game got I still remember it positively. We are, however, approaching the end of this playthrough which means we're also approaching the point where I ran into a bevy of A/V issues during the livestreams. Luckily outside of a few rare occasions this should be one of the last series with such issues, especially given the low bitrate I was locked into before I became affiliated.
Aktualizace překladu FTL: Faster Than Light
Diakritika už nevypadá jak systémové štíty při prvním zásahu, překlepy vzaly za své a dokonce jsem si pohrál s grafikou, aby české texty vypadaly stejně dobře jako anglické. Takže teď můžete umírat ve vesmíru ještě čitelněji a esteticky příjemněji! https://www.labros.cz/preklady/ftl-faster-than-light-cestina
This week’s #Gaming pickups:
For #Sinclair #ZXSpectrum:
- Barbarian II (Kixx Re-release)
- Beam Rider
- Bedlam
- The Happiest Days of Your Life
- I, Ball II
- Time Flies
- The Wild Bunch
- Zenji
No #Film or #TV pickups this week.
Siguiendo indicaciones de los más notables influencers del fediverso. Este fin de semana habrá que probar este jueguito de PSX.
Here is today's second #flashbackfriday post, the first music compilation of Kirby music!
Happy Friday my friends & let’s start the weekend in the best possible way with the raddest content on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Nl23tw_3miA?si=17HUh1uu5hxUZWL1 Have a watch, hit that like button & subscribe
Super Baseball 2020 for Sega Genesis
Source: Diehard GameFan 10 (September 1993)
Scan Source: Sketch the Cow/Jason Scott (Internet Archive)
#retrogaming game of the day : Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (2005) by Nintendo on GameCube ...with the DKBongo!
Before the last switch revival of DK, there was this platformer with a stange controler : the DKBongo ...only for this game. Not very useful to play music.
Review for Super Monkey Ball on GameCube.
Taken from GamesMaster 114 - December 2001 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Advertisement for The Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 on PlayStation 2.
Taken from GamesMaster 114 - December 2001 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Review for Silent Scope 2 on PlayStation 2.
Taken from GamesMaster 114 - December 2001 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here: