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Missing Characters
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I release a new version of Xdebug on Sunday, which fixes a few bugs. One of them is titled emoji character become diamond question marks. This bug turned out to be the same as var_dump does not output some Russian characters, which was originally reported a few days earlier but hadn't come with a decent enough reproducible case.

At first I dismissed this, as it's not unlikely that people get their character sets wrong, or mixed up.

But when I tested it, the following script really did not show the right result:

Instead of the expected:

Standard input code:3:string
'hello 👍' (length=10)

It showed:

Standard input code:3:string
'hello ���' (length=10)

The four bytes that should have made up the 👍 had turned into three.

Xdebug uses a function, xdebug_xmlize, to escape XML and XHTML-special characters such as ", &, and < when it outputs strings of data.

Its algorithm first calculates how much memory the resulting string would use by looping over the source characters, and adding the lengths of the escaped characters together. It uses a 256-entry table for this.

The first row shows that byte 0's escaped length will be 4 (for ) and the LF character's escaped length will be 5 (for ).

The replacement strings are recorded in the table that follows. It only has place for 64 elements, as none of the bytes above byte-64 need to be escaped. You can see that because the xml_encode_count table only has entries containing 1 after the fourth 16-element row.

Then in a second iteration it loops over all the source characters again to construct the resulting output.

In this iteration, it checks if the destination length is 1, in which case it just copies the character over. If the destination length is not 1, then it adds the number of characters that correspond to the destination character's length.

The bug here was that the table for xml_encode_count, although it was defined as having 256 entries, only had 240 entries. I had missed to add the 16th line, so instead there were only 15 lines of 16 elements.

And in C, that means that these missing elements were all set to 0. This meant that if there was a character in the source string where the byte value was larger or equal to hexadecimal 0xF0 (decimal: 240), the algorithm thought the replacement length of these characters would be 0. This then resulted in these characters to just be ignored, and not copied over into the destination string.

For the 👍 character (hex: 0xF0 0x9F 0x91 0x8D) that meant that its first byte (0xF0) was not copied into the destination string. And that meant a broken UTF-8 character. Oops! 💩

In Xdebug 3.4.2 this is now fixed, as I have added the 16th line to the table, with 16 more elements containing 1.

What I did find curious that it took nearly five years for something to report this issue, and with that, two in the same week!

derickrethans.nlMissing Characters — Derick Rethans

🎉 Xdebug 3.4.0 is out!

:elephpant: It mainly adds support for PHP 8.4.

📶 A new feature makes it possible to tell Xdebug to ignore PHP requests for debugging, if the XDEBUG_IGNORE parameter is set.

🐛 If you find any bugs, please head to the issue tracker:

💰 If you want to support my work on Xdebug, head over to as an individual, or as a company.

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