From patches to change Cyber Speedway's soundtrack and fix Die Hard Arcade oddities to a new Saturn Tribute game and an update on the Sakura Wars 2 fan translation, there's a lot going on in the world of Sega Saturn! Read about it all in my roundup:
From patches to change Cyber Speedway's soundtrack and fix Die Hard Arcade oddities to a new Saturn Tribute game and an update on the Sakura Wars 2 fan translation, there's a lot going on in the world of Sega Saturn! Read about it all in my roundup:
The last couple days I was hanging with an irl friend and we went to some gameshops. OH MAN DID I GET A HAUL AND SOME OF THE PRICES WERE SO GOOD!!! Sakura wars was $50 under the current going price and the dsi was mispriced at $5 and works well so I’m actually trying #TWEWY super happy to have the #shinmegamitensei games again to!
#Nintendo #ps2 #jrpg #lightgun #sakurawars #residentevil #xenosaga #timecrisis
Bo Bayles gives us a rundown this week of cheat codes in a variety of Saturn games, from Sakura Wars to the Japanese version of Sonic 3D: Flickies’ Island to Bug! Check them all out in his latest SHIRO! article:
Les livraisons du jeudi 27 juillet 2023 (1) :
#Dreamcast #Sega #SakuraTaisenCompleteBox #サクラ大戦COMPLETEBOX #SakuraWarsCompleteBox #Overworks #RedEntertainment #SakuraTaisen #サクラ大戦 #SakuraWars #SakuraTaisen2 #サクラ大戦2 #サクラ大戦2君死にたもうことなかれ #SakuraTaisen2KimiShinitamouKotoNakare #SakuraWars2 #SakuraTaisen3 #サクラ大戦3 #サクラ大戦3巴里は燃えているか #SakuraTaisen3ParisWaMoeteiruKa #SakuraWars3 #SakuraTaisen4 #サクラ大戦4 #サクラ大戦4恋せよ乙女 #SakuraTaisen4KoiSeyoOtome #SakuraWars4