Una imagen #random #randomImageGame #randomPic #imagenRandom #videogames #DRAGONQUESTXIEcosdeunpasadoperdido - DRAGON QUEST XI Ecos de un pasado perdido
Una imagen #random #randomImageGame #randomPic #imagenRandom #videogames #DRAGONQUESTXIEcosdeunpasadoperdido - DRAGON QUEST XI Ecos de un pasado perdido
Una imagen #random #randomImageGame #randomPic #imagenRandom #videogames #DRAGONQUESTXIEcosdeunpasadoperdido - DRAGON QUEST XI Ecos de un pasado perdido
Oil Lamp, anonymous, c. 1300 - c. 1500
Fire, like water, plays an important role in rituals. Oil lamps are often suspended before the effigy of a god, both at home and in a temple. An essential part of a Hindu temple ceremony (puja) is worshipping the god by moving a lamp in front of his or her image. In ancient India, lamps
were the most popular gifts to temples, along with cows to supply clarified butter (the fuel).
On loan from the Royal Asian Art Society in The Netherlands (purchase heirs J.A.W. Sieburg, 1950)
bronze, h 32.5cm × w 19.4cm × d 19.8cm
#rijksmuseum #musea #collection #art #mastodonart #mastoart #random
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