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Waxing Gibbous Moon over Melbourne, Australia

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Aperture: f/11 (for sharpness and detail on the moon’s surface)
Shutter Speed: 1/250s (to capture the bright moon without overexposure)
ISO: 100 (to maintain clarity and reduce noise in the night sky)

Multiple images used to create a composite HDR image taken through a spotting scope with a mobile phone.

#Moon #NightSky #Nature #Astrophotography #Melbourne #Lunar

I like this galaxy very much. However, I don't know if I like it because of its "grand design" or because it reminds me of The Time Tunnel. Yes, that ancient TV show in which Tony and Douglas were inevitably lost in time. (Never understood how the guys in charge could retrieve a massive mammut from the past, but not the pair of time travelers together). Anyway, this is M51, The Time Tunnel.

Mesmerizing nightscape of sand dunes under the Milky Way and aurora Australis, East of Esperance, Western Australia

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Aperture: f/1.8 (for maximum light intake in low-light conditions)
Shutter Speed: 30s (to capture the stars and aurora without star trails)
ISO: 1600 (to enhance sensitivity to faint celestial light while managing noise)

#Desert #Stars #Aurora #Nature #Landscape #NightSky

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) feature a supermassive black hole at a galaxy's center. These things come in three flavors: quasars, blazars, and Seyfert galaxies. But don't get confused! They are almost the same phenomenon viewed from different angles. However, an important difference between quasars/blazars and Seyferts seems to exist. The latter is less energetic than the former, which are also farther away from us. A good example of a Seyfert Galaxy is M 64, the Black-Eyed Galaxy.

"What the Isle of Rum lacks is artificial illumination. There are no streetlights, light-flooded sports fields, neon signs, industrial sites or anything else casting a glow against the night sky. On a cold January day, the sun sets early and rises late, yielding to a blackness that envelopes the island, a blackness so deep that the light of stars manifests suddenly at dusk and the glow of the moon is bright enough to navigate by. For this reason, Rum was recently named Europe’s newest dark-sky sanctuary."

The New York Times · Embracing Darkness on the Isle of RumPar Nicholas J. R. White