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Une marée humaine contre la #corruption. Entre 275 000 et 375 000 manifestant•es à Belgrade pour s’opposer au régime du président serbe Aleksandar Vučić. La contestation, née de l’effondrement tragique d’un auvent de gare en novembre, aboutit à la plus grande mobilisation de l’histoire du pays 👇

Mediapart · Serbie : une marée humaine submerge BelgradePar Jean-Arnault Dérens

"Samedi, la Serbie a écrit une nouvelle page de son histoire. Jamais un tel rassemblement n’avait eu lieu depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir du président Aleksandar Vucic, il y a plus de dix ans. C’est même l’une des plus grandes manifestations de l’histoire moderne du pays."
#Serbie #démocratie #corruption · A Belgrade, une marée humaine «prête pour une authentique démocratie»Par Caroline Bordecq

La #corruption active qui a permis au Nazi #Vance de parvenir au poste de vice Président des #USA aux côtés de #Musk et #Trump était déjà agissante autour des partis du #Brexit comme elle l'est en France avec #Bardela #MLP et le #RN
Voilà cet individu est chargé de sélectionner les candidats du ReformParty en #UK quand cette cinquième colonne de #poutine devrait être en cellules, peut-être en #Ukraine d'ailleurs

The Guardian · Reform UK candidate who praised Hitler and Assad put in charge of vettingPar Ben Quinn

Robert O. Paxton's 5 stages of fascism:

1. Intellectual exploration, where disillusionment with popular democracy manifests itself in discussions of lost national vigor

2. Rooting, where a fascist movement, aided by political deadlock and polarization, becomes a player on the national stage

3. Arrival to power, where conservatives seeking to control rising leftist opposition invite fascists to share power

4. Exercise of power, where the movement and its charismatic leader control the state in balance with state institutions such as the police and traditional elites such as the clergy and business magnates.

5. Radicalization or entropy, where the state either becomes increasingly radical, as did Nazi Germany, or slips into traditional authoritarian rule, as did Fascist Italy.

Reitred Federal Judge: "What has happened with Elon Musk, well, I have called it a coup. If it succeeds, it will have been a coup. In other words, if the definition of a “coup” is a small group of people who are not elected — and there was Musk — who are taking over the power of the government, yes, I would call it a coup. I mean, he — there are challenges around the country to his authority, to Musk’s authority — Musk, who is not confirmed by Congress, who was selected by means that no one exactly knows, who was given powers that no one knows about, who is getting access to information that only government officials who have been appropriately selected can get. And if he’s successful in that — there are challenges to that. If he is successful, yes, I would call that a coup."
#coup #corruption

Democracy Now! · If Successful, I Would Call It a Coup: A Retired Judge’s Warning About Elon Musk’s Abuse of PowerPar Democracy Now!

"The regime won't merely use [government databases] for nefarious purposes. Musk's wrecking crew will be able to change what's inside those databases – and I believe it's a certainty that at some point they will.

Are you old enough to be collecting Social Security payments or Medicare? Musk's incels could decide that you don't deserve any of that, and delete you from the system. That's what people with access to "everything, including source code," can do. When people working in good faith are replaced by people who exemplify bad faith, expect the worst."
#coup #corruption #SocialSecurity

The cornerstone of democracy... · Essentials, March 14, 2025News and commentary for understanding and coping with the years ahead... Musk's incels have your most personal data Inside Elon Musk’s ‘Digital Coup’Musk’s loyalists at DOGE have infiltrated dozens of federal agencies, pushed out tens of thousands of workers, and siphoned millions of people’s most sensitive

Recently, a bloc of self-proclaimed conservative reformers invoked the Sharpstown debacle in their crusade to take down the speaker of the house and root out an alleged cabal of corrupted “RINOs” who they claim have conspired with lobbyists and #Democrats to control the chamber.

The Texas Observer · What Ever Happened to Ethics Reform?The House speaker battle wasn’t really about cleaning house.

[Article] Procès libyen : Sarkozy à la recherche du témoin-miracle

Soupçonné d’avoir passé un pacte de corruption avec le régime de Kadhafi, l’ancien président persiste à vouloir décrédibiliser une note publiée en 2012 par Mediapart. Quitte à user de procédés qui l’enfoncent, en tronquant des documents des services secrets ou en appelant un… #Corruption #Justice #Politique

www.blast-info.frProcès libyen : Sarkozy à la recherche du témoin-miracleSoupçonné d’avoir passé un pacte de corruption avec le régime de Kadhafi, l’ancien président persiste à vouloir décrédibiliser une note publiée en 2012 par Mediapart. Quitte à user de procédés qui l’enfoncent, en tronquant des documents des services…