"Nah," he said, eventually. "I've looked at the colours on flowers. They're definitely built-in."
Terry Pratchett, Diggers
"Nah," he said, eventually. "I've looked at the colours on flowers. They're definitely built-in."
Terry Pratchett, Diggers
People whose concept of ancient history is the first series of Star Trek may be treated with patience, because it's usually not their fault they were reduced to getting their education from school.
Terry Pratchett, alt.books.pratchett
"I can bite your leg if you like."
Gaspode the wonder dog
Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures
Using a metaphor in front of a man as unimaginative as Ridcully was like a red flag to a bu-- was like putting something very annoying in front of someone who was annoyed by it.
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
As castles went, this one looked as though it could be taken by a small squad of not very efficient soldiers. For defence, putting a blanket over your head might be marginally safer.
Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
"It's going to look pretty good, then, isn't it," said War testily, "the One Horseman and Three Pedestrians of the Apocralypse."
The Four Horsemen of the Apocralypse encounterunexpected difficulties
Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who *smiles all the time*.
Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
Jaime had never realised that trees made a sound when they grew, and no-one else had realised it either, because the sound is made over hundreds of years in waves of twenty-four hours from peak to peak. Speed it up, and the sound a tree makes is *vrooom*.
Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
Sœurcières 2016
My little tribute to Gnu Terry Pratchett
He was truly my favorite author
#SpeakHisName is now trending across Mastodon
It's been 10 years.
I often wonder how Tiffany is doing?
What's young Sam up to?
What's Moist doing with his time?
Is Vetinari still going, or did he finally meet his match?
Most of all though, I miss the new words. The characters were my friends, the Discworld my hideaway.
I miss all of them, as well as their creator - even though I never met him.
Terry's words made me who I am today. They gave me the courage to ask questions, to stand up for what is right and have comforted me in my grief.
Thank you for your words Terry, they mean so much to so many. You live on in so many of us.
“Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things.”
― I Shall Wear Midnight
Une citation malheureusement totalement d'actualité.
Signal this to all towers, not logged.
He’d never have wanted to go home. He was a real linesman.
His name is in the code, in the wind in the rigging and the shutters. Haven’t you ever heard the saying “A man’s not dead while his name is still spoken?"
Above the hearth was a huge pokerwork sign saying "Mother". No tyrant in the whole history of the world had ever achieved a domination so complete.
Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters
A good plan isn't one where someone wins, it's where nobody thinks they've *lost*.
Terry Pratchett, The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
He had a unique stride: it looked as though his body was being dragged forward and his legs had to flail around underneath it, landing wherever they could find room. It wasn't so much a walk as a collapse, indefinitely postponed.
Terry Pratchett, Maskerade
"The knuckles! The horrible knuckles!"
Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic
And this had been the way things were for as far back as the frogs could remember [footnote: About three seconds. Frogs don't have good memories].
Terry Pratchett, Wings