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Happy 25 years to the PlayStation 2!

Here's a look at my phat model, I recently hooked this guy up with a Free Mcboot card and an internal hard drive for homebrew purposes. Playing game backups from mass storage ensures the disc drive laser will remain in working condition for much longer.

Despite how old it is, I'm not all that experienced with the PS2 library. What are your can't-miss games on the system?

So, I settled on a game to play.

True Crime Streets of LA.

I remember having a lot of fun with this game as a teens. It served as a pretty decent alternative to Grand Theft Auto, even if the map of LA is a little too big and just a bit of a bore to drive around.

That being said, for me, the main draw for the game is busting street crime as you cruise to your next mission location.

I must admit, a thought came to mind and maybe a LA resident can confirm this... Does everyone know martial arts in LA? It is quite fun that every hand to hand fight you get into in True Crime involves jumping snap kicks and intricate grapples and throws.

It's a pretty goofy game, and definitely not as good as the New York Sequel.

Going to knock out the Dogg Bone hunt before I get into the game proper. 30 items hidden across LA? Might have to consult the great interwebs for this one...