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En los últimos tiempos he visto muchas reivindicaciones de Doom 3 como juego de terror. Sinceramente, como juego de terror involuntario me quedo mucho antes con #MetroidPrime 2: Echoes, el tercer #videojuego más aterrador que haya jugando nunca después de Outlast y el remake del primer Resident Evil.

El trabajo de Kenji Yamamoto con la banda sonora es de lo mejor que haya escuchado nunca en un videojuego, y aquí lo peta con la ambientación.

Good grief, Botwoon had to be the easiest miniboss in all of Super Metroid. Tanked his hits and threw super missiles at him and he went down QUICK. I also hear that Draygon is pretty easy once you figure out the grapple beam trick.

I will say that Maridia's lower overall difficulty is a nice change of pace from earlier regions of the game. :luigithink:

Suite du fil

Yesterday I did two runs to derust in #Metroid Dread Any% Glitchless category.
As expected I didn't achieve the best times after being absent for more than a year, but I could at least gain two gold splits during the second run (fastest time for short part of the game). ⏱️

Started the stream with an explanation and showcase of the Glitchless Early Ice Skip.
Excerpt attached here.
Skip to 02:40 if you just want to see the trick.

After beating Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Misson via the NSO Game Boy Advance Platform. I also finally finished Super Metroid for the SNES. It was really a blast playing and thanks to the rewind feature of the NSO SNES it didn’t became that frustrating.
Now only Metroid Dread and Samus Returns is missing on my classic Metroid list, and I already started Dread. But I can’t believe how much fun I have with Metroid, such great games so far.
#metroid #nintendo