est l'un des nombreux serveurs Mastodon indépendants que vous pouvez utiliser pour participer au fédiverse.
Communauté ludique (jeux vidéo, de rôle, de société, etc) destinée aux joueuses et joueurs francophones de tous horizons. French speaking people only.

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✅ store videos without #bigtech
✅ embed video without profiling
✅ federate with other PeerTubes
✅ live broadcast + chat interaction
✅ cross post over the #Fediverse
🔲 pilot institution… You⁉️

Do you within an educational or research institution want to experiment with an alternative videoplatform ( based on public values? Please DM me or share!

Sorry… only available for Dutch 🇳🇱 @SURF members… but we’ll of course share (back) experiences and code!

SURF MastodonAlexandra van Straaten ( met X (Twitter)? Maar.. hoe dan verder? Samen met @wlaatje gaf ik een livestream over Mastodon en Bluesky bij @SURF. Kon je er niet bij zijn? Kijk dan nu de opname terug 👇 . PS: We zijn live gegaan met het decentrale platform Peertube. En dat ging best goed! Kijk de livestream terug: #socialmedia

"Anyone at an AI company who stops to think for half a second should be able to recognize they have a vampiric relationship with the commons. While they rely on these repositories for their sustenance, their adversarial and disrespectful relationships with creators reduce the incentives for anyone to make their work publicly available going forward (freely licensed or otherwise). They drain resources from maintainers of those common repositories often without any compensation. They reduce the visibility of the original sources, leaving people unaware that they can or should contribute towards maintaining such valuable projects. AI companies should want a thriving open access ecosystem, ensuring that the models they trained on Wikipedia in 2020 can be continually expanded and updated. Even if AI companies don’t care about the benefit to the common good, it shouldn’t be hard for them to understand that by bleeding these projects dry, they are destroying their own food supply.

And yet many AI companies seem to give very little thought to this, seemingly looking only at the months in front of them rather than operating on years-long timescales. (Though perhaps anyone who has observed AI companies’ activities more generally will be unsurprised to see that they do not act as though they believe their businesses will be sustainable on the order of years.)

It would be very wise for these companies to immediately begin prioritizing the ongoing health of the commons, so that they do not wind up strangling their golden goose. It would also be very wise for the rest of us to not rely on AI companies to suddenly, miraculously come to their senses or develop a conscience en masse.

Instead, we must ensure that mechanisms are in place to force AI companies to engage with these repositories on their creators' terms."

Citation Needed · “Wait, not like that”: Free and open access in the age of generative AIThe real threat isn't AI using open knowledge — it's AI companies killing the projects that make knowledge free

"Food has for some time been a gateway to misinformation online, especially when bound up with ‘wellness’ culture. Type the word ‘natural’ in a search bar on any social media platform and it’s easy to fall down a raw milk/ginger-cures-cancer/antivaccine/'NATO is to blame for Russia invading Ukraine' conspiracy theory rabbit hole."

~ Signe Johansen

#food #cooking #wellness #foodie #misinformation #ConspiracyTheories #algorithm #SocialMedia #BigTech

Byline Supplement · Against the Algorithm: How Big Tech and AI Slop Are Spoiling Cooking in the Social Media AgePar Byline Supplement

One of the things I've been advocating for years - and where I want to raise my voice even louder - is the importance of owning your data. #OwnYourData

Over the past few days, I’ve come across two examples of how misinformation is causing immense damage, leading people to believe that there's no alternative but to hand over their data to big corporations, putting themselves entirely in their hands.

- A well-known lawyer, just before a meeting, warned about using Teams and its new "virtual assistant," which joins conferences before anyone else and transcribes everything. When I pointed out that it would be wise to use alternative tools (like Jitsi, for example, but there are others), he abruptly ended the conversation, saying, "We've lost this war. There's no alternative anymore."
That wasn’t the right moment for a detailed discussion, so I just noted that alternatives do exist - but if no one starts using them, and if we passively accept certain behaviors from certain companies, things will never improve for us.

- Just now, I received another one of those emails that hurt more in the heart than in the wallet: "Our e-commerce is taking off, so we’re moving it to Shopify to better manage our growth."
I replied, trying to explain that handing over a growing e-commerce business to a third-party company (right now, they have full access to their own server - meaning all their databases, data, etc., are under their control) means losing ownership of it. Prices could change at any moment, contract terms could shift negatively, and, worst case scenario, if Shopify itself faced issues (which seems impossible today, but think of giants like Kodak), they could lose everything. Of course, they’ll do what they think is best, but I feel obligated to warn them.

Luckily, others are making the opposite choice. But I keep wondering: since these big platforms aren’t exactly cheap, rather than "selling themselves" to them just for (potentially) fewer headaches, wouldn’t it be worth paying someone (not me, of course, but someone working exclusively for them) to handle these things - ensuring they retain full ownership of their business and their data?


Ud af tech-giganternes kløer – hvordan din organisation kan frigøre sig fra afhængighed af store tech-virksomheder

Er din kommune eller organisation afhængig af store tech-virksomheder som Microsoft og Google? Ønsker du at øge din teknologiske selvstændighed og reducere omkostningerne?

Så er dette webinar lige noget for dig!

Vi vil gennemgå, hvordan du kan overgå til alternative løsninger, der giver dig mere kontrol, fleksibilitet og sikkerhed. Vores eksperter vil dele praktiske råd og eksempler på succesfulde overgangsprojekter, så du kan træffe den rigtige beslutning for din organisation.

Dato og tid: Onsdag den 2. april 2025 kl. 9.00

Varighed: 45 minutter

✅ IT-ledere og -chefer i danske kommuner og virksomheder
✅ Beslutningstagere, der ønsker at modernisere deres teknologiske infrastruktur
✅ IT-professionelle, der ønsker at forstå de seneste trends og løsninger

Bliv klogere på
✅ Fordele ved at frigøre sig fra store tech-virksomheder: Hvordan du kan øge din teknologiske selvstændighed, spare licenser væk og opnå sikkerhed ift. GDPR-lovgivning.
✅ Alternative løsninger: Introduktion til specifikke open source produkter, som kan implementeres og benyttes allerede i dag.
✅ Tjekliste og anbefalinger: Praktiske råd og en tjekliste for, hvordan du kommer i gang med din overgang
✅ Stil spørgsmål: Mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til vores eksperter og modtage personlige råd


Tech bros are living, breathing embodiments of the false authority fallacy; claiming that their professed understanding of basic logic qualifies them to reason expertly upon every conceivable topic while conveniently ignoring a fundamental maxim of their purported core area of expertise: garbage in, garbage out.

Hi, I’m Ellie.

I’ve jumped to Mastodon after realising (again) how toxic big tech is. Trump and Musk’s obsession with controlling social media sealed it—I miss when it was about connecting, not just a tool for the rich to twist public opinion.

I’ll post a little bit about politics (Carol Cadwalladr fan!) but also pretty pictures, my pet, and travel snaps. Looking forward to actual conversations—not just whatever the algorithm wants me to see.