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Gherhartd S.

Portable versions of LibreOffice , does anyone here know what is happening with those? @libreoffice? It seems like it's been months without one to download on LibreOffice's site. The page is still there, but there are no direct links, only placeholder text.

On PortableApp , "Fresh" is 24.2.3, lagging behind the non-portable "Still" which is today 24.2.5. (Portable "Still" is 7.6.7.)

Will a up-to-date portable LO come back soon?

Boosting is helping 🥰

@libreoffice Today, non-portable versions went to 24.8.0 for the newest stable and 24.2.6 for the previous stable branch (EOL november). Portable is still stuck at 24.2.3 for the "newest stable" version. Not so far in the past, it is only 4 month late, but I can find no sign of a future update. Maybe I am bad at searching this, maybe you know something helpful?

Merci @calaad ! Je comprends pas pourquoi je ne l'ai pas trouvé moi-même, mais voilà. La vieillesse est innauphraj

@calaad bon ça sent pas super-bon pour l'avenir immédiat, seule l'ancienne branche est mentionnée.

Pourquoi tu as besoin d'une version portable ? Installation sur clé USB ?

@calaad pour l'avoir là où je ne peux pas l'installer

@libreoffice @calaad Oh, I forgot. With the last available versions, extension installations fail and I hoped a new version could fix that.

@gherhartd @calaad Hi! Do you mean, with LibreOffice 24.8.0? When you say "fail", what exactly happens – what error message(s)?

@libreoffice last available _portable_ version, but that was only visible in the thread context.

The problem occurs after selecting an *.oxt files (tried different ones) and selecting "Only for me". No installation and this error appears: "an error occurred during file opening at C:/cygwin64/home/buildslave/source/libo-core/ucbhelper/source/provider/simpleioerrorrequest.cxx:35" in an "Extensions" error dialog.

@gherhartd Ah OK – not seen any other reports of that here, but can you check on to see if anyone else is having a similar issue, and if not, submit a quick bug report? Thanks 😊

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