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Elvira's House of Horrors, Stern 2019.

I'm so glad my two previous favorites of pinball history got the 3rd game to follow them. So much love went into theming it, from Cassandra's commentary to custom video segments and all the crappiest movies from Movie Macabre revival.

It's also damn pretty machine and unlike Party Monsters and Scared Stiff, it has a relatively deep rule set.

Mechanically this is one of my least favorite Sterns, so many annoying design choices that need constant fixing or the huge QA issues it had.


Passkey/password bug: iOS 18.3.1

Ook in iOS versie 18.3.1 is de eerder door mij gemelde iCloud KeyChain (*) kwetsbaarheid nog niet gerepareerd (eerder schreef ik hierover, Engelstalig:

(*) Tegenwoordig is dat de app genaamd "Wachtwoorden" (of "Passwords").

De kwetsbaarheid bestaat indien:

• De eigenaar een "passcode" (pincode of wachtwoord) gebruikt om de iPhone of iPad te ontgrendelen - en er GÉÉN biometrie is geconfigureerd;


• De gebruiker wel biometrie kan gebruiken om het scherm te ontgrendelen, doch in 'Instellingen' > 'Touch ID en toegangscode' de instelling "Autom. invullen wachtw." is UITgezet.

Zie onderstaande screenshots (Engelstalig in Meer info ziet u door op "Alt" in de plaatjes te drukken.

Probleem: iedereen met toegang tot de ontgrendelde iPhone of iPad kan dan, *zonder* opnieuw lokaal te hoeven authenticeren:

1) Op elke website inloggen waarvan het user-ID en wachtwoord in iCloud Keychain zijn opgeslagen;

2) Met passkeys op enkele specifieke websites inloggen (waaronder en, namelijk als volgt:

a) Open de website;
b) Druk op "Inloggen";
c) Druk op de "x" rechts bovenaan de pop-up die verschijnt (in de onderste schermhelft);
d) Druk kort in het veld waar om het e-mailadres gevraagd wordt;
e) Druk op de knop "gebruik passkey".

Risico: uitlenen van een unlocked iDevice (o.a. aan kinderen) maar ook diefstal nadat de passcode is afgekeken. Of als de dief geen passcode heeft, als deze wacht tot de eerstvolgende iOS/iPadOS kwetsbaarheid bekend wordt waarbij de schermontgrendeling omzeild kan worden.

Als u ze nog niet gezien heeft, bekijk in elk geval de eerste van de volgende twee video's van Joanna Stern (van de Wall Street Journal):

Suite du fil

#tsunami #stern #geo

We looked at the community to ask for Chitravadivel and I was thankful for my agency, stern and some editorial colleagues in that moment…

Chitravadivel was not at the left foundations of her house and it took us a while until we saw her nearby.

It was just moments after she had found her bike.

The bike to go to the hospital.
To help and then to rebuild.

[end of the thread]

Suite du fil

#tsunami #stern #geo

On the way back, we pass some areas where we can only walk by the help of the army cause the locations of mines from the civil war period can only be predicted now.
We look into the eyes of very hungry wild dogs while the elephants stood reportedly on higher ground in a group close together.
Especially at the East Coast, large areas like around this collapsed Hindu temple were completely destroyed.

The only lesson I learned:
Whenever solid structures are destroyed – be it by a disaster, by fascists, by Elmo (or any) –
we need to rebuild.
Continuously rebuild.

The next day in Batticaloa we wanted to visit Chitravadivel again …


Suite du fil

#tsunami #stern #geo

I do not want to share the „heavy“ pictures again but some signs and moments of hope.

We looked at how the schools dealed with the catastrophy and saw the power of communities.
The survivors collected all of the wet learning materials and used the upper floor to dry these materials to reuse them.

While there was lots of room for children to speak about the experienced, the lessons continued in the free space to give habit back.

Volunteers of UNICEF spoke with the children but – much more important:

They brought material for kids to express creativity and let the bad feelings go to paper.
To beat the devil out of the brush …
It felt as if that helped.

#tsunami #stern #geo

20 years of trauma …

We met Chitravadivel Rajeswari in the General Hospital of Batticaloa.

The Tidal waves in Sri Lanka were up to 12 metres high and Chitravadivel survived them by climbing up a tree and clutching it for hours.
After the waves flooded the area she had just one goal: Helping in the hospital where she works as an assisting nurse.
Normally she would go by bike but now there was no bike, there was just water.

After 3 days we visited her again, she was totally exhausted. 💖 Chitravadivel did not spent a second to think about herself or her own property.
It was a very strange feeling but the only feeling I had at this minute was that anyone now needs a bit of time to care for themselves.
We tried to find her home which was a nice house. It was made out of stones and built by the best intentions of what a community can build.

This was the moment when we found the house.

🧵 to be continued