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Cool article about a wind-powered, transatlantic cargo ship now taking passengers. I love the idea of a return to wind-powered sailing as an option for the global commute. A comfortable, lo-fi way to travel, with a carbon footprint 100x smaller than catching a plane. And apparently, you can bring unlimited luggage.

#Sustainability #CleanEnergy #ClimateAction #Travel #Sailing

CNN · Carbon-conscious travelers can now sail across the Atlantic in a wind-powered cargo shipPar Nell Lewis

Along the lines of the slow food movement, which promotes food traditional to the culture, and taking time to eat and enjoy it (no greasy hamburger inhaled at the steering wheel), perhaps we should consider a slow life movement, in which we are not pushed to rush, nudged to hurry, and coerced into investing our lives to increase the financial investment of the phew.

Bainbridge Island Sail metal print --


If you're traveling anywhere, embarking on an adventure, doing anything active at all, the likelihood is at some time you'll be faced with a storm.

Actually, in life, even if you opt to spend your entire day in front of a TV, you'll have to, at some point, face a storm, because inclemency is a part of life.

Best to know how to deal with it.

Ahead of the Storm metal print --



These sails are specifically designed to fit the peddle #kayaks made by #Hobie.

Unfortunately they discontinued the longer (16ft) version. Mine is vintage 2010 and is a great little sailboat when the wind is up. ⛵

The peddle system becomes the "center board" when #sailing so these boats can actually sail upwind!

This is great for just messing about, but on an actual trip the peddle system is so efficient you nix the sail and head directly upwind (rather than tacking with the sail). They excel with wind from the side or behind. They are very efficient tacking downwind with controlled jibes. 🙂

I'm happy to answer other questions...

Update on #Nautilism, my Godot sailing game! I have refactored the wave code and made some more under-the-hood tweaks. I also set up a #GitLab #CI pipeline to automatically build the game and host the builds on #gitlabpages. The repository is and the website is

Please try it out and tell me what you think! I'm still trying to figure out the direction I want to take the game but I am happy to hear suggestions.

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<snort />

PNW absolutely is a US term, mostly due the way the border is now enforced (past 50+ years) It is true in my #sailing community, too - #WA sailors rarely/never sail here, likewise #BC #sailors there, with the small exceptions of the San Juan Islands and Desolation Sound.

Some of those comments are why I do not think it should be on a #bike site. To stay "we're all #cyclists together" do not attract/platform the trolls, or highlight our differences/divisions.