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Been busy managing stuff, the result is something close to a touring schedule...I guess 🫠

Here's some info on our next two dates:

22.03. Musikzentrale #Nürnberg w/CIRCVIT, DROWN THE SUN, NIGHT WANDERER

29.03. Haus Metternich #Koblenz w/FAILED STAR, BUILT TO FALL, GORDON BISHOP

But there's more to come - in fact the year is getting busier than we expected! Stay tuned if you'd like to know when we'll make it to your area 🙃

And have a beautiful weekend of course! 💚

I just found out from a toot by @inanedirk that a new Steven Wilson album is coming out today. I'll listen to it later when I'm at home and have the necessary peace and quiet. For now, the music needs to be a bit more aggressive... #NowPlaying Brainwashed by While She Sleeps 🎶

Image for Brainwashed (Deluxe Version) by While She Sleeps
Songlink/OdesliBrainwashed (Deluxe Version) by While She SleepsListen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

RADIO-ERDORIN - Albums de février 2025

RADIO-ERDORIN est un résumé vidéo mensuel des chroniques musicales sur Blog à part ( Des live-reports, des albums, du rock progressif, du metal progressif, du post-rock et d’autres trucs, parfois :

#music #metal #peertube #chroniques via @alias

Histoire et more fnu !
En 2011, lors de la campagne de recensement aux Royaume Uni, une rumeur a circulé : Si des milliers de personnes déclaraient être d'une religion non-encore reconnue, le gouvernement serait forcé de la reconnaître comme religion officielle.
6 242 personnes ont déclaré êtres de la religion : heavy metal