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PSA: if you need to replace a broken clothes washer or dryer, the trick is not to buy a new one. I’ve heard this many times and it’s been true in my experience.

Instead find a Maytag or Whirlpool that’s at least 30 years old. They were built to be repaired, still can be, and rarely break down in any case. Anything newer is progressively crappier, even if they look fancy on the outside. Unrepairable, they’re designed to force you to buy new appliances frequently.

Heute geht es bei mir mal wieder darum auf chinesische Produkte im #Hardware Bereich zu verzichten. Dies ist meistens sehr schwierig. Ich als Gamer stehe da meistens in der Bredouille. Aktuell brauche ich ein neues #Gaming #Headset. Die Firma #beyerdynamic produziert einige ihrer Produkte in #Deutschland So auch das MMX 300 Gaming Headset. Hier muss man natürlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen. Allerdings gibt es auch ausgezeichnete BWare.

We've been seeing a lot of people who don't live in Europe promoting the boycott of US products and services.

We would love to know: where are you from? 🌍



YES! and say it with the chest:


hat tip: @igd_news

#BDS all collaborators with #Trump #MAGA #techbros and every sundry supporter of #AmericanFascism.

yes, we #antifascists here in the USA are asking antifascists all over the world to #Boycott #Divest and #Sanction all #USA and international companies and institutions that support American fascism.

#BDSColumbia for aiding in the abduction of Khalil Mahmoud

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

Trump Holds Bizarre, Rambling Tesla Commercial at White House

WTF were #DonaldTrump and #ElonMusk doing?

"Trump claimed that the #boycott was unlawful...

Fact check: Boycotts are not illegal and are protected by the #FirstAmendment...

But #US regulations do prohibit federal employees from using their public office... “for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise.”"


How's everyone doing one week into the #Target #boycott? From my household to yours, some ideas if you're looking to boycott beyond Lent/permanently:

1. I looked at my account to do some analysis of last year's purchases. Now I know how to divest 95%+ of my past Target purchases going forward :)

2. Theirs is the most useless rewards program so it will be trivial to kill my account and take better shopping privacy measures. Boycotts can also encompass user data :)

Le constructeur américain de véhicules électriques traverse une période très difficile en Australie, où ses ventes ont chuté de 70 % en février 2025. Un revers inédit, qui s’inscrit dans une dynamique de repli plus large pour la marque d’Elon Musk, pourtant si convoitée il y a si peu…
#aus #tesla #boycott #musk

Trust My Science · Tesla face à une crise sans précédent en Australie : les ventes s’effondrent de 70 % en févrierTrust me, I'm Science