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#writing #writingLife My spouse and I share many things, but not writing and not running a business. Those are our personal specialties and we can't see how the other can do them, but we support each other in our endeavors. We discuss things out. What if. Blue sky. We frankly share what we'd not share with others, intimate, even painful things. It's a thing about friendship, about marriage. The discussion du jour I shan't share, but we discussed a matter from our separate histories that will come together in a character tomorrow. Call it research. I hope it breathes life (and I choose these words advisedly) into a controversial chapter, as well giving life (again advisedly) to the main and side character. I am so thankful for my spouse, so proud to be chosen to be their spouse.


#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.16 — What word or phrase do you tend to overuse?

And. But. Was.

The first two because I don't always master the long sentence flow of Grammar B and and-but run-ons in Grammar A signal the need to moderate sentence rhythm.

Was? Active writing is better than passive writing, or rather, when when I actively use verbs to push a story along, passive writing suddenly stands out as slow and colorless.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


#gender #fiction #writer #author
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers

#PennedPossibilities 616 — Name a bizarre and hyper-specific detail that you know about one of your characters but is completely irrelevant to the story.

[The meeting of the two Reluctant Moon MCs is mentioned in the book, but the irrelevant detail is the prejudice he felt.—RS]

Streak had thought he'd heard his little sister cry out. He ran to find her. When he'd found the kids making fun of a girl in the neighborhood playground, some kicking mockingly at her, he almost joined in.

She was a daemon girl! Black as tar, with neither feathers nor wings. What was she doing invading a poor day angel neighborhood? To break things? Steal things? Had she come to demonstrate her daemonic superiority as his mother always claimed her type did? To rub their noses in it? Mother repeated it again and again: her kind were ugly in face and ugly in deed (though she employed one or two). She had the horns of a bull! Pointy, upturned. She cowered, and he believed she hid a cow face. He believed enough to stomp in, to help kick her out of the neighorhood.

But she cried.

(Just like a day angel would.)

And she was a girl.

(No wings, but she was slight and little and... Cute.)

You didn't do things like this to a girl!

(School taught that, and he believed everything his teachers taught about women and how men had to treat them, too.)

In the end, he yelled and screamed and flapped his wings (he was a big boy) and scared the other kids away. He scared the daemon, too, but she clung to him shivering, thanking him...

...and his life changed. She was named Thorn Rose.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


#gender #fiction #writer #author
#mystery #thriller #romance #sf #sff #sciencefiction
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers
#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory
#microfiction #flashfiction #tootfic #smallstory

At the halfway point in the web-novel (#RSMarsNeededWomen). With 31 days of prompts and constrained by a 5,000 character toot-length, minus hashtags, its at 10,560 words. Already a standard novella! It's progressing nicely. May Ri and the side characters have revealed their personalities. I've even tooted the cover. It's interesting because I could expand many chapters, but won't as this work is also a tootfic (please ignore my toot-length when I say this). The trade-offs encourage concision and ellipse to the max, and force me to focus on what's important, down to the word choice being too long. I realize that the science detail in SF isn't necessarily the point: It's how technology affects people, the commoner the folk, like May Ri, the better. As a writer, I'm assuming people do what they're able and I don't have to understand why anymore than they do. I simply endeavor to keep it realistic, not to write a science or engineering manual. There's a place for that, but not here. I'm keeping up the foreshadowing for the coming revolution. Hope it comes together in the end...


Suite du fil

2503.24 /16 — Work #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera

"I've made new friends," May Ri's little girl said brightly over vid-downlink, waving her favorite, worse-for-wear, pink pony toy. "I'm fine." Dozens of nisei girls and boys bounced and hopped behind her to greet Marisela's mother. The image stuttered. An echo group worked furiously on a maker to build a new sats before they lost them all. Marisela added, in a barely quieter child's whisper, "The other fathers are real mean meanies—"

"Not my Dadie," said a 10 Mars-year-old girl, but otherwise nodded. The kids housed, realizing en masse it was secret stuff.

Marisela finished, whispering, "—the moms keep everyone here so they can watch over us." (In the crèche domes.) Louder, "Momie, tell everyone we're really friends with the Onēsanue? Please!"

"We are," May Ri affirmed, to which the kids cheered.

May Ri felt her gut wrench. When she'd suggested Marisela accompany Randy on assignment, it had been a battle. He wasn't against training the girl, or thought that a girl would be denied a man's job.


Former Director Ezekiel Stan had won election as Dome Manager at South Elysian Township. Elected solely by the men. Women hadn't voted, at all—had been intimidated, everyone figured—despite being 2/3rds of the population thanks to the growing number of widows.

The man who'd tried to rape her eight years ago had recovered his health, and marginal power. She muttered under her breath, "Should've left him in vac."

No wonder Randy kept being assigned to arbitrate disputes at Elysian, especially between spouses! Stan professed to be Decath, and was blessed by the minister on Deimosbase. Hypocrites! It made the remaining Directors waver.

Reportedly, the man didn't remember "the accident." Secretary Īto, Reina's mother, had seen the vids. She'd kept Randy's marriage details and all vid out of the public record. Privacy. He might not know who May Ri was. What Īto didn't know, since Stan's management kept vac-safe control, was how the Elysian nisei and mothers fared, other than the contact Randy was allowed arbitrating between spouses, or interviewing chaperoned women. EM Mars Corp had a Decath charter; protecting propriety was interpreted as Elysian's right.

In the end, it was the ugly face of Mars that Marisela might inherit that made the choice for them. With her father, ten suits, and weeks of training others, Marisela would work "teaching" suit safety to "help" qualify nisei who had the knack at Elysium City.

All near Marisela's age had the knack, and the desire. Management excluded girls, though.

"...I just teach the girls in the crèche domes with the spare suit. No dadies." Marisela tittered evilly.

"...Yesterday, Rufus' twin Raquel went outside."

"...Ran out of boys today. Nobody's checking the visors! Can't men count?"

"...The girls won the boy-girl soccer game."

On day 17, May Ri's call failed at their regular time. Management restricted in-base addresses to the office, which made her call back later. When she got, "Routine Maintenance. Call back tomorrow," she ran shaking to Reina, who spooked worse. Secretary Īto sent a cargoon from Gale crater.

They might never get the full story, and Elysium couldn't (wouldn't?) find the culprit...

Lured outside at dusk, a man in an enviro suit stabbed Randy multiply, then slashed Marisela, ripping her suit before running. Safety drills triumphed over panic as the girl glued herself—wound then suit—then glued Randy's worst injuries as he went unconscious. Leaking too much air, she got him in an emergency balloon, then dragged him unsure he lived, crying, blaming herself having fun, to the dome. A comms-down didn't apply to inter-suit channels, only range. When Raquel, practicing with her brother, answered, the mothers smuggled them through the docks. That she sat on her father to apply pressure had staunched the bleeding. First aid stabilized him, barely. The cargoon arrived late night; with comms down, they walked in, demanding resupply. Suit comm alerted them and they sent a medic. By early morning, the men on the cargoon smuggled 6 women, 21 nisei, and the two out.

Reina jumped ahead of Marisela's mother, grabbing the child, hugging her crying, while the slightly dazed girl (May Ri could tell) comforted the Onēsanue. Other nisei—and the new nisei, one waving a pink pony toy—all piled on, giving their hero support, allowing May Ri to tend to Randy who'd never completely recover.

Stan raged about nobody reporting in for treatment, found no evidence, claimed no witnesses, lied saying it was fabricated, and manipulated.

It felt like a turning point. May Ri saw old power grasping to control women. She vowed to help the nisei change that. #RSMarsNeededWomen 16

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


A répondu dans un fil de discussion

#ScribesAndMakers 3.17 — What's your favourite book about writing, or your other craft?

(I'm a day ahead, but oh well. I had the prompts mixed up. That's okay. I'll post it, anyway.)

This is so silly and I absolutely love it. I come back to this book once every few years, just for some laughs. It really is helpful.

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

#ScribesAndMakers 3.15 — How's your creativity this month? Anything you would like help with?

It's been tough this month. I've been a bit sick from my infusion therapy. So, while there's a lot that I'd certainly like to be writing, I haven't been able to find the energy to do any of it. The beginning of the month was nice, though. it'll come back to me, it always does. It's just a matter of finding the energy and feeling better.

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

#ScribesAndMakers 3.14 — When writing dialogue, do you include everything from hello to goodbye or just what's essential?

Good question. It made me think a lot about my style. I tend to include what's essential and paraphrase the rest, but it certainly depends on the situation. Every interaction might be different.

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

#ScribesAndMakers 3.13 — Shameless Self-Promotion Day. Let's boost away.

Oh, boy. I'm a writer, and I also have a (real) paranormal podcast, if you're interested. I write many things, from fanfiction to my own original stories. I've published my work in many magazines and zines over the years as well.

My scribbles and stories can be found here:

As for my podcast, it's linked on my profile, although it can be found on almost every single listening platform available. It's called PANDA'S DEN by Panda Iwasczyszyn.

My main link (just the main profile) can be found here:

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

#ScribesAndMakers 3.12 — Do you play games? If so, do they influence your creativity?

Oh, man. This prompt was made just for me. LOL. I'm a huge gamer, everything from science fiction to horror to fantasy. A lot of my friends are gamers and writers as well, so it's perfect for us. We're a nerdy bunch, and it seems to help us creatively. Honestly, it's just another way to tell stories. Gaming is a wonderful hobby. Along the same vein, I'm also a longtime #TTRPG dungeon or game master as well. That's never ever changed. Every so often, I'll be a player, but I'm usually the one running my own homebrew campaigns for my group.

Anything creative is wonderful.

#ScribesAndMakers 16
talk: @saposcat

I've book questions...

Is Bivy & R absurdist romance &/or friendship fiction as a book pulls strangers towards one another? It sounds intriguing (I like the literature angle). Is there more you can share about it?

(Plummer) I delved briefly into funeral humor in the last book I drafted in an entirely different way, so I’m wondering about “funeral clowns?” I also have the same questions about this book as R.