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4 messages4 participants0 message aujourd’hui

as some might recall, we were working on a feature to allow multi booting different systems easily and without any hassle ( partitioning etc).

around that time we started to get in contact with known porters of different systems such as #UbuntuTouch and #sailfishos

after much effort and work, i can confidently say that the #flx1 will be added to the #UBports installer and OTA server soon allowing allow bare metal and multi boot installs!

Bonjour tout le monde,

Voici le lien pour le matrix ubuntu-fr officiel, nous vous attendons là-bas avec impatience !

Dans cet espace matrix ubuntu-fr nous avons pour l'instant 2 salons: l'accueil/discussion, et l'entraide !
Oui, la même organisation que sur irc et telegram, sauf que c'est sur matrix ;)

(Il y a aussi un salon ubports qui est simplement une redirection vers le salon ubports francophone officiel)

mobile, épisode 5420
après réflexion je vais probablement tenter l’installation d’ #UbuntuTouch sur un mobile d’occasion, on va 🤞parce que même avec un installeur ça reste hasardeux.

J’aurais bien été tentée par un smartphone Volla ou Shift, mais ça reste très cher par rapport à l’usage que j’en ai.
Y a du monde sur #UbuntuTouch ?

So the plan is this. First my #fairphone. I decided to give a #UbuntuTouch a try first because getting away from android sounds nice. If that's not working for me, then i believe I'll bonder between #e/os #calyxos and #lineageos or maybe #grapheneos needs to think realy hard then because.. Well.. I'm open for information from experiences of others.

AFTER I'm happy with my phone. I'll move to my mediapc. It's a hp mini thing.. I had #linuxmint in it before, but then we had television that had weird stuff happening and I couldn't get them to work together, so currently there's win10, but now I got, for free, newish tv so I'll definitely want to go back to linux. I'm thinking of #zorinos and if it's good then probably but it on my school laptop also. There's #fedora currently, it's working and quite stable, but there's also lots of aspects that I don't really like.

So that's my #nerd plans.. When I have time.

But please, don't tell my boss, he already has gotten a smell, that I know more about IT than I feel comfortable..

Fediverse! Talk to me about #LinuxPhones! I want to diversify from #iOS with current events being what they are, but am only a bit #Linux literate. Would appreciate personal testimonials!

Currently looking at #PinePhone & #ShiftPhone… opinions? Other suggestions?

[edit] Would mostly be: doing financial things & social media (assuming via browser). Would like to try #UbuntuTouch, so I could try installing Signal? Nothing hugely demanding, just needs to get online via cell signal. :sharesloved:

Suite du fil

Just a reminder about the meetup in Christchurch, New Zealand on February 26.
The topic is Linux Mobile and I (Dan) will bring 4 devices:

- OS: #postmarketOS | Environment: #plasmamobile

- OS: postmarketOS | Environment: #gnomemobile
- OS on SD card: #Mobian | Environment: #phosh

#Pinephone (braveheart + upgraded motherboard)
- OS: #Archlinux | Environment: #sxmo

Pinephone (braveheart)
- OS/Environment: #UbuntuTouch
