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Just an FYI to people who (legitimately) dislike #Substack because of the people behind it: You can support creators on the platform while not giving a penny to the operators.

I will say that many creators do not make this apparent, so people default to paying directly to Substack for the subscription when they could be compensating the creator directly.

A répondu dans un fil de discussion

@dangillmor Not to forget #Steady with seat in Germany and therefore completely compliant with the strict EU digital laws, and US-free:

It's great for people without big technical knowledge, I use it for years. And it's more than a newsletter - you can build your community and integrate podcasts. Or run your WP website with your Steady paywall or buttons.

steadyhq.comThe best Substack alternative for full creative controlWhile Substack is a closed platform, Steady integrates easily with your existing channels. If you want complete control over your brand, Steady is the ideal choice.

Toujours dans l'optique de trouver une véritable alternative à Instagram de Meta, difficile à quitter à cause de la grande communauté littéraire qu'on y trouve (et qui a bien du mal à migrer ici), je tente Substack. Et c'est ici :
Dans l'attente de voir ce qui prend le mieux.

florencehinckel.substack.comFlorence Hinckel | SubstackAutrice de Renversante, U4.Yannis, Quatre filles et quatre garçons, #Bleue, Le Brasier…. Click to read Florence Hinckel, a Substack publication. Launched 2 hours ago.

My latest article about bats in Japanese folklore and art has just been published. Amazingly I've also just passed 1000 subscribers to my free newsletter in just over five weeks. I'm SO grateful for the support. Link to the article is below, I hope you enjoy it.💙
#JapaneseFolklore #yokai #JapaneseArt #ukiyoe #bats #Japan #Substack @folklore

Hanashi by Curious Ordinary · Bats in Japanese FolklorePar Curious Ordinary

In 2024, the Data Bene team traveled to, presented at, & sponsored a number of #PostgreSQL community events, as well as started a blog, began a podcast in collaboration with Xata, and contributed back to #OpenSource.

Curious to know the details and see what we learned as a result of our experiences? Check out our new #Substack (free to subscribe) to see our recap for the year:


En 2024, l'équipe de Data Bene a voyagé, a présenté un certain nombre d'événements communautaires de la communauté #PostgreSQL, ainsi qu'un blog, a commencé un podcast en collaboration avec Xata, et a contribué à #OpenSource.

Curieux de connaître les détails et de voir ce que nous avons appris à la suite de nos expériences? Découvrez notre nouveau #Substack (abonnement gratuit) pour voir notre récapitulatif pour l'année:

Folks, when we are building spaces out here, please please please remember that people from marginalised communities who have built an income by participating in centralised social media, can't just drop everything there and start again. They will be extremely aware that every second they continue to use it, feeds the oligarch machine, but they need to feed, clothe, and house themselves. We do not all have the ability to just up and abandon established spaces.

These oligarch driven machines are extremely aware of this, and they make it difficult to leave on purpose.

Rather than saying DUMP THAT AND COME HERE OR YOU PERPETUATE FACISM, help create spaces for them that feel welcoming so they can grow new places here. This means making sure you don't fuck up early on and forget about people who aren't white nerdy blokes (I like white nerdy blokes too, but a lot of you need to pay attention!)

An example would be when Bluesky was still in invite mode, they failed BADLY to make sure racist usernames and the like could be deployed at sign up. You'd hope that disallowing slurs of ANY kind would be implemented from the get-go, but they weren't. When the Black trans community spoke up about it, it went ignored for too long, and all the while the platform contined to grow.

If you want people to come and participate in spaces where oligarchs don't reign, then make sure it's safe for everyone. There's no excuse for not doing this, you can't claim ignorance to this, and then ask people to abandon hard built spaces. You should know better.

Building new things means paying attention to things far outside our own experiences. If you don't know what to do, then hire someone who can educate you. Don't skimp on this, because it WILL bite you in the ass, as the saying goes. #decentralised #decentralized #fediverse #getfedihired


One excellent example of feeding the machine but can't stop, is #substack. It's an Andreessen Horowitz product, and they're directly linked to funding those terrible fascists currently taking a wrecking ball to America. So many people on the left continue to use it, because they've built a platform there. I've had to check MYSELF recently because I loathe seeing it used, but it's not as easy as that unless you're wealthy and just writing for funsies.

In other news...

Successfully moved my #infosecMASHUP newsletter from #substack to #beehiiv 🐝

If you were previously subscribed, don't worry, I've moved you over.

If you're interested to subscribe, head to and sign up -- URI has not changed, only the platform.

Thank you for your continuous support, and looking forward to connect with you! 🚀

X’s InfoSec NewsletterX’s InfoSec NewsletterWeekly curated list of {Cyber,Info}Security insightful resources and links, and some other security & privacy things too.

Once again, for the people for whom immediate convenience trumps fixing a problem:

Posting an article with a critique and potential solutions for problems coming from plutocrat broligarch techbros running amok, destroying democracy, AND hosting it in #substack is too thick irony.

Stop sustaining those guys. Every time you click, open, or participate in #DTBO (douchebag techbro billionaire owned) socmedia, you give them money, and a platform.