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God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who *smiles all the time*.

Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens

#GNUTerryPratchett, #SpeakHisName, #Discworld

Ten years ago I was missing six Discworld books, and decided to stop reading for I could not bear the idea that new ones would never come out.

At some point last year I made peace with that, and I feel almost ready for Sheperd's Crown.

I am now waiting for my daughter to be old enough to start appreciating them as I did as a kid.

I was just reminded that it is the anniversary of the death of Terry Pratchett.

The day it happened, my SO cried. For days afterward, she would occasionally stop what she was doing and tear up for a moment.

From what I've read online, this is pretty common. His writing touched the lives of so many people in a very profound way.

Sir Terry Pratchett was one of two people who I quoted directly in my dissertation. This line from Feet of Clay was the motto for my introductory chapter:

"This is where we’ve filled ourselves up with so many questions that they’re starting to overflow and become answers."

It resonated with me, because this is what doing research often feels like for me.

oh christ, I've been wondering why Im in just an utterly black mood today.

Terry Pratchett died 10 years ago today.

That day I walked to the store, bought a plastic bottle of vodka, and drank most of it while crying at a public park.

a few days later I got "How do they rise up" tattoo'd on my inner bicep.

Generally considered a femme place to get a tattoo but I liked it anyways. #ThereWereNoSigns

Its hard to put into words what that man and his Works meant to me. What they still mean to me.

He taught me "Dont get scared, get angry"

That "there is no justice. There is just us."

That revolutions rarely help the people who need help, they usually just swap one ruling body for another.

That your gender expression is whatever the fuck you want it to be and letting generations of dead people decide otherwise for you is not just stupid but a fate worse than death.

That sin begins when you treat people as things. Especially yourself.

That compassion isn't always the same thing as nice.

That Words In The Heart Cannot Be Taken.

That no one is truly dead as long as their name is still spoken.


I will never stop speaking your name.

Ten years ago, Sir Terry Pratchett died. But "A man’s not dead while his name is still spoken."

We carry his memory with each DokuWiki release being named after one of his many Discworld characters.

If you never read a book by him - now is a good time to do so!