The rock garden is complete This time, only two rocks spawned in random places that I had to search for and put up a flag in. (I use flags instead of mannequins because they’re less visually obtrusive.) So it went quite well!
The rock garden is complete This time, only two rocks spawned in random places that I had to search for and put up a flag in. (I use flags instead of mannequins because they’re less visually obtrusive.) So it went quite well!
A special #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons event is coming to #SeaLife in Sydney this April and will then move around the country
After spending all morning planting flowers, Lucs is tired…
Here’s a little before and after of the front of Clay’s house. I redesigned the interior also, but I had another idea that I still need to execute first… so pictures of the interior later.
Tucked between the castle walls is a small grassy cemetery honouring the spirits that have passed. Bring an offering and roll the die to see if the ancestors are pleased.
(Also: entrance with a tiny version of the sakura and pine tree arrangement. )
Happy Friday, everyone. Congratulations on making it through the week! Anything to look forward to this weekend?
A sunken pathway leading to the secret beach
Making this sunken pathway was harder than I expected, but I think it turned out nicely. What do you think?
Proof of life. I’ve been slowly working on Okonomi. This area is right next to the entrance and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Just going with it for now though, with the thought that I can always flatten and rebuild.
Checking in—how are you?
Pelasin vuosia sitten pitkään Animal Crossing New Horizonsia. Pelitunteja kertynyt jo yli 1100 ja nyt innostus siirtyi tyttärelleni. Pelaa tuolla niin innoissaan!
Uusin tuleva naapuri on tottakai ihana vaaleanpunainen Marina, jolla on rusetti päässään.
She's going to start packing tomorrow in case anybody wants her.
I originally invited her to my island because I thought she was cute, but I ended up liking her much less than I thought I would. I hope someone enjoys having her on their island before she disappears!
I recently got Raymond on my island, and his house is so boring that when I needed to find him, I literally said "I'm looking for Colin Robinson of Animal Crossing"
Reused the template from the other video to create this dance reel introducing my villagers one by one. There are the two who will be moving out eventually and are thus not featured.
What do you do when the world is falling apart? Why, dance, of course.
Nintendo snags patent for Animal Crossing: New Horizons' "Island Newspaper" mechanic:
The only news that matters
Hey #acnh people, I collected all kinds of fruit on my island and I can give some to you if you need them
I've finally unlocked the Able Sisters shop and I can share my custom designs at last
January Roundtable: The Best Wintery Games, Part I
Up here in the northern hemisphere, we've entered my favorite time of year: cold season. The Pacific Northwest isn't known for snow, but we usually get a day or two of pillowy, soft snow that becomes sheets of horrible ice that don't melt for a week or more. I do
"No te confíes, Tom Nook. Sé quién eres y qué haces. Eres poderoso y ansías tener más poder. Esta isla es tu patio de recreo para tus planes de expansión, pero has cometido un grave error: invitaste a una invasora y algún día, tu isla, ¡será mía! (Risa malvada) Bhuwaa ha ha ¡hahaha... !"
Bueno, la risa no me sale, ¡pero lo otro es verdad!
I managed to escape from my island but returned today. According to the island's inhabitants I was MIA for 4 years and 8 months. If there's one game that really gets me relaxed and wind down it's Animal Crossings.
Trees in Video Games
A short comic about ludic representations of nature and the value of digital green spaces as sources of healing and inspiration.
Después de más de una semana (o de dos, ya perdí la cuenta) sin pasarme por la isla del Animal Crossing, hoy he vuelto y los vecinos se han mostrado muy sorprendidos y contentos al verme, y también algo preocupados, yo creo que se habían pensado que ya no iba volver