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I've been dialing in swamp puddles with Vallejo water effect gel. Left is 4th attempt (wetblended brown gradient that didn't come out that great and 1 drop of green paint in the water), right is 5th (a really smooth dark blue to brown gradient completely hidden by skipping to 3 drops).

Current conundrum is the cracking you can see, which is probably just me pouring too thick a layer? 'Bout ready to do a larger piece.

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Es hora de ir conociendo a los patrocinadores que tenemos en el torneo de Punkapocalyptic que celebraremos durante las Hispania Wargames

Empezamos con Pingüino Láser un fijo en todos los eventos que se dan a lo largo de la Península:

En Pingüino Láser tienes organizadores para pinturas, tokens, accesorios…en fin, todo lo que necesitas para el hobby.

El próximo domingo 23 de febrero, por la mañana, celebraremos un torneo de Punkapocalyptic durante las Hispania Wargames (Alhaurín de la Torre, Málaga)

Serán 12 plazas con un precio de inscripción de 10 euros.

Reserva tu plaza en el email del cartel (mcallus arroba gmail . com)

Las bases del torneo con todos los detalles para el pago, listas, horarios, como llegar, etc se os enviará como respuesta al email.

It's been quiet on the update front for a couple of months because I've been working on a big one. This update will have a NEW SCENARIO and that scenario is...*drum roll*... TYRE!!

I wanted to include Tyre in the initial release, but I knew the rule variations would add too much of a delay. But I'm thrilled this is coming along now and will be part of the game soon!